Recognizing advanced ICT success in the region, including but not limited to
5G&5G-Advanced development, optical fiber broadband, datacom,
cloud transformation, and mobile finance.

  • 000 Days
  • 00 Hours
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The LEAD Awards (“LEADs”)

Telecom Operators, Digital Space Players, and Regulators continue to progress forward in achieving new digitalization milestones while tackling daunting challenges at national, regional, and global fronts. In recognition of their achievements, SAMENA Council is organizing the second edition of its LEAD Awards Program, to focus on acknowledging efforts on 5 fronts: Innovation, Business Leadership, Experience Delivery, Fixed Wireless Access, and Regulatory Enablement.

The 2024 edition of the new SAMENA Council industry awards aims to:

  • Highlight and recognize advanced ICT success in the region, including but not limited to 5G&5G-Advanced development, optical fiber broadband, datacom, cloud-based transformation, and mobile finance.

  • Provide a platform where technology, regulatory, and business milestones in the SA-ME-NA region (particularly in the Mideast) can be translated into best practices and inspire similar success in neighboring regions, especially in Central Asia.

  • Enable Middle Eastern Operators and key digital ecosystem players of the region to enhance their profile by creating new synergies and new opportunities for growth, while enhancing international reach and renown.

  • Promote development and success achieved in monetizing 5G&5G-Advanced investments through Fixed Wireless Access.

  • Recognize efforts by governments in supporting the private sector and enabling sustainable investments by the private sector to fulfill national ICT visions and digital transformation plans.


The LEAD - Business Excellence category is dedicated to honoring the most influential organizations who are setting new standards in the ICT industry. This category recognizes those who have demonstrated exceptional business acumen and innovation, driving growth and success across the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

The awards will highlight key achievements in areas such as 5G Advanced business development, Fiber to the Room (FTTR) deployment, and digital transformation. These awards also focus on pioneering efforts in emerging markets, celebrating companies that have achieved remarkable 5G penetration and business development in these regions.

The LEAD - Business Excellence awards serve as a platform to showcase the transformative power of technology and business strategy, inspiring others to follow in the footsteps of these trailblazers. By recognizing these outstanding contributions, the awards aim to foster continued innovation and growth within the industry, ensuring that the ICT sector remains at the forefront of global economic development.


The LEAD - Leadership in Regulatory Enablement category honors exceptional contributions in shaping and implementing regulatory frameworks that drive progress in the ICT sector. This category highlights the crucial role of regulatory bodies and policies in fostering a dynamic and inclusive digital ecosystem.

In 2024, the awards will recognize achievements in several key areas, including setting and achieving national ICT targets, ensuring the availability of Universal Service Funds (USF), and developing policies that facilitate rapid market growth. Additionally, the focus on digital inclusion underscores the importance of creating equitable access to technology and services for all segments of society.

These awards celebrate the leaders who are making significant strides in regulatory innovation, enabling sustainable development, and supporting the digital transformation journey. By acknowledging these impactful efforts, the LEAD - Leadership in Regulatory Enablement category aims to inspire further advancements and foster a more connected and inclusive digital future.


The LEAD - Leadership in User Experience category honors organizations that excel in delivering exceptional digital experiences and enhancing user satisfaction. This category recognizes the critical role of user experience in shaping the success of telecom services and technologies.

In 2024, the awards will spotlight outstanding achievements in several key areas, including Best 5G A User Experience and Best Fixed Network User Experience, celebrating innovations that significantly improve user interaction with advanced 5G and fixed network technologies. The category will also acknowledge Best EM 5G User Experience and Best EM 5G Network Coverage, highlighting superior user experiences and coverage in emerging markets.

By showcasing these achievements, the LEAD - Leadership in User Experience category aims to set new standards in user satisfaction and drive the industry towards more intuitive, reliable, and engaging digital environments.


The LEAD - Innovation Excellence category celebrates the trailblazers and visionaries pushing the boundaries of technology and innovation in the ICT sector. This category recognizes outstanding achievements that set new benchmarks in service delivery, technological advancements, and environmental sustainability.

For 2024, the awards will highlight exceptional contributions in several key areas, including Best 5G A Service Innovation and Best FTTR Service Innovation, which honor pioneering advancements in 5G and fiber-to-the-room technologies. Best Mobile Money Application and Best Cloudified Operator recognize groundbreaking solutions in financial technology and cloud services.

By celebrating these innovations, the LEAD - Innovation Excellence category aims to inspire continued progress and excellence, driving the industry forward with cutting-edge solutions and sustainable practices.


The LEAD - FWA Excellence category is dedicated to recognizing outstanding achievements in Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) technology. As FWA becomes increasingly pivotal in delivering high-speed internet and bridging connectivity gaps, this category highlights the significant strides made in this domain.

The awards will honor those who have demonstrated exceptional growth, innovation, and management in FWA. By focusing on key areas of success, the LEAD - FWA Excellence category aims to celebrate the leaders driving advancements in FWA technology, ensuring enhanced connectivity and user satisfaction.

Through these awards, we aim to acknowledge and promote excellence in the deployment and management of FWA solutions, fostering a more connected and digitally inclusive future.


Award's Jury

Social Media Highlights

1st LEAD Awards

LEAD Awards 2023
Photo Highlights

SAMENA Council LEAD Awards

Frequently Asked Question

  • What are the SAMENA Council LEAD Awards?

    The SAMENA Council LEAD Awards are a prestigious recognition program that celebrates excellence in digital development and ICT innovation across South Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia. These awards spotlight pioneering achievements in various domains such as 5G adoption, Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) growth, regulatory enablement, and the enhancement of user experiences. By recognizing outstanding contributions, the LEAD Awards aim to inspire further advancements in technology, regulatory frameworks, and business models within the region, fostering an environment of continuous innovation and growth.

  • Who can participate in the SAMENA Council LEAD Awards?

    Participation in the SAMENA Council LEAD Awards is open to a diverse range of stakeholders within the ICT sector, including businesses, service providers, and regulatory bodies operating in South Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, and Central Asia. Eligible participants must have demonstrated significant achievements in the ICT sector, such as the successful deployment of cutting-edge technologies, substantial contributions to digital transformation, or impactful regulatory initiatives that have driven growth and innovation in the region. This broad eligibility ensures that the awards recognize the full spectrum of contributions to the digital ecosystem.

  • How can I submit a nomination?

    Nominations for the SAMENA Council LEAD Awards can be submitted through the official awards website. The nomination process is designed to be straightforward and accessible, with a dedicated nomination page providing detailed instructions. Participants will find clear guidelines on eligibility criteria, including specific achievements or contributions required for each award category. Additionally, the website outlines the necessary documentation, such as case studies, metrics, or testimonials, that should accompany each nomination to support the submission. Deadlines for submission will also be prominently displayed to ensure all entries are received on time.

  • What is the last date for Submission of Nomination?

    Nominations can be submitted through the official nomination page on the SAMENA Council LEAD Awards website before 6 pm (Dubai Time) on 5th October, 2024.

  • How are the winners selected?

    Winners of the SAMENA Council LEAD Awards are chosen through a rigorous and transparent evaluation process conducted by a panel of esteemed industry experts. The selection process involves a comprehensive review of each nomination, assessing criteria such as innovation, impact, market growth, and the nominee’s overall contribution to the digital ecosystem within the region. The panel’s evaluation is designed to identify not only technical excellence but also the broader influence of the nominee’s achievements on industry practices, regulatory advancements, and customer experiences. This thorough process ensures that each winner truly exemplifies leadership and excellence in the ICT sector.

  • Can I attend the awards ceremony even if I'm not a nominee?

    Yes, the SAMENA Council LEAD Awards ceremony is open to all industry professionals, media representatives, and other interested parties, even if they are not nominated for an award. Attendance offers a valuable opportunity to network with key stakeholders, gain insights into the latest industry trends, and celebrate the achievements of peers within the ICT community. Please get in touch with the Awards team through the contact details provided on the LEAD Awards website for your invitation. Invitations are reserved and as the event typically attracts a high level of interest, and seating may be limited.

  • How can I sponsor the SAMENA Council LEAD Awards?

    Sponsorship opportunities for the SAMENA Council LEAD Awards are available to organizations seeking to align themselves with industry excellence and innovation. Sponsors can choose from a variety of sponsorship packages, each offering unique benefits such as brand visibility, exclusive networking opportunities, and the chance to present an award. Sponsoring the event provides companies with a platform to showcase their commitment to advancing the ICT sector and supporting regional development. For more information on sponsorship packages, interested organizations are encouraged to contact the event organizers through the official website’s contact page.

Event Venue


The global telecom industry is vast and dynamic,
playing a crucial role in connecting people and businesses worldwide.




Expected Global telecom
services market revenue by 2024



Unique mobile subscribers



Internet of Things (IoT) connected
devices expected by 2025



Fixed broadband
subscriptions globally

ICT Industry

Middle East

  • 00


    Mobile penetration rates in
    countries like UAE and Qatar.
    Among the Highest globally.

  • 00


    of mobile connections
    expected to be 5G.
    The Middle East is a
    global leader in 5G adoption.

ICT Industry

North Africa

  • $



    Expected size of telecom market
    by 2025

  • % CAGR

    Expected growth in broadband market
    through 2025

ICT Industry

South Asia

  • 84 . 82

    -8 % CAGR

    Growth in Telecom industry

  • 87


    Annual Growth rate of
    mobile broadband market

ICT Industry

Central Asia

  • 87


    Mobile Subscribers

  • 13

    -7% CAGR

    Growth rate of Industry
    expected through 2025

SAMENA Council

Leadership & Excellence Awards in

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