Page 35 - SAMENA ELITE - Apr-June 2024
P. 35

MeiG Brings 5G-Advanced into Reality  with Releases of New 5G-A
        Module and FWA Solution

        MeiG officially announced the launch
        of the 5G-A module SRM817WE and a
        new 5G-A FWA solution at the MWC
        2024, including the 5G-A CPE solution
        SRT858M and the 5G-A MiFi solution.
        Solution SRT878H and 5G-A ODU solu-
        tion SRT853MX are designed to further
        improve network performance and
        bring 5.5G into reality.

        5G-A module SRM817WE is based on
        Qualcomm Snapdragon® X75 5G
        Modem-RF System.The solution and
        10Gb Ethernet capabilities support
        Sub-6GHz band TDD/FDD 3CC and        corporate office, video conferencing,   scenarios. SRT878H relies on the Snap-
        more carrier aggregation, with a max-  naked-eye 3D, and VR High-speed   dragon X72 platform and is the first to
        imum bandwidth of up to 300MHz,      business needs such as games and    support the latest Wi-Fi 7 standard. It
        bringing excellent data rate perfor-  8K HDR.                            supports SA and NSA dual networking
        mance.                                                                   modes and is backward compatible
                                             5G-A CPE solution SRT858M is        with 4G networks, making it easy to
        In terms of antenna design, it can   equipped with Qualcomm Snap-        use in complex scenarios.
        support up to 4 groups of millimeter   dragon®, the uplink rate can reach
        wave antennas. Millimeter waves can   0.9 Gbps. Supports the Easy mesh   Du Guobin, CEO of MeiG, said: "At MWC
        support a maximum bandwidth of       R4 function and supports dual-band   2024, a stage that attracts global
        800MHz, and the peak downstream      concurrency. The device can com-    attention, MeiG's 5G-A module and
        rate can reach 10G. It supports fea-  municate concurrently on the 2.4GHz   5G-A FWA solution were officially
        tures such as 8RX and PC 1.5 transmit   and 5GHz frequency bands at the   rolled out. This is a breakthrough for
        power in the 5G core frequency band,   same time, thereby providing higher   us in the field of 5G technology. Our
        effectively improving the 5G uplink   throughput and more stable con-    technical solutions have reached
        and downlink transmission rates. In   nection performance. At the same   new heights in network speed and
        addition, SRM817WE module supports   time, it is equipped with a 2.5Gbps   stability, will bring customers a better
        the OpenWRT operating system and     Ethernet interface to greatly increase   connection experience, meet the
        OpenCPU, making the configuration    the speed and meet the needs of     growing demand for high-bandwidth,
        more flexible, providing more expan-  high-speed Internet access in multi-  low-latency communications, and will
        sion and innovation possibilities, and   user and high-bandwidth scenarios.   also bring opportunities to the digital
        fully meeting the needs of FWA, eMBB   Supports RJ11 telephone interface,   development of the industry. Come to
        and other applications.              making the application scenarios    a broader space for development.”
                                             more diversified.
        Based on SRM817 series modules, MeiG                                     MeiG will also use its new 5G-A
        has launched a new 5G-A FWA solu-    5G-A MiFi solution SRT878H converts   capabilities to promote industrial
        tion, which supports more frequency   5G networks into portable Wi-Fi sig-  innovation and development, effi-
        bands and more connections, helping   nals, providing fast and high-speed   ciently empower FWA typical applica-
        home and business users build high-  network access for home, office,    tions, and achieve new experiences in
        speed networks to meet the needs of   personal travel and other application   the 5G-A era in future.
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