Page 4 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
P. 4
Digital Interdependence and the 5G Ecosystem
In the now digitally-powered world, as public-private collaboration, improved
ubiquitous connectivity, computational policy and regulatory enablement steps,
power, and comprehension capabilities aligned well with digital transformation
are now driving technology development, goals set by Operators and the Private
with reduced cycles of adoption and Sector, at large, and sustainable influx
with a greater possibility and need for in investment in both infrastructure and
multi-lateral stakeholder and industry- incubation of innovation and ICT talent, will
to-industry cooperation. It is now time play a central role in catalyzing economic
to fully recognize, appreciate, and foster growth opportunities for both existing and
digital interdependence, and use this new businesses. Quite possibly, if we do it
interdependence to overcome divides and right, this may help uplift standards of living
promote digital inclusion and innovation. for billions all around the world.
Recognizing interdependence is central to Recognizing the needs of the evolving 5G
effective digital cooperation, strengthening ecosystem and finding it necessary to
multilateral approaches, and multi- celebrate digital interdependence, SAMENA Bocar A. BA
Chief Executive Officer & Board
stakeholder participation and contributions. Council has congregated ICT leaders driving Member
In this regard, partnership, collaboration, change and setting into practice new norms SAMENA Telecommunications
digital capacity-building and innovation in regulation and policy-making at its Council
carry immense weight and are crucial world-class stakeholder communication
for sustaining the digital development platforms to focus on the need to transform
momentum created over the past year. This policy to reality, while addressing the critical ensure that future policy-making and
momentum is essential for recovery efforts need to ensure cross-industry and cross- regulation are driven by agility, adaptive
around the world, and must be utilized stakeholder inclusion is also achieved. mindsets, and inclusion.
effectively to propel a new wave of digitally- The Council has brought to light the need
driven and digitally-inclusive economic to align public-private priorities, so that There are now ever more possibilities
development. In the post-pandemic investment is maintained in building the to put into effect human-centric, data-
times, new socio-economic and business required broadband infrastructure and in driven, and evidence-based policies,
paradigms, which, in many ways, are very realizing an inclusive digital economy in the increase economic competitiveness,
different from those of the past, are the region. The Council has also voiced the need create more jobs, enhance provision of
way to a sustainable digital future, which for taking into consideration international improved public services throughout
rests on the creation of a sustainable digital practices and implementing the ITU's the SA-ME-NA region's urban and
economy and, ultimately, a knowledge collaborative regulation model, which will rural communities, and to create more
society. be further promoted with the G5 Benchmark capital. As we better recognize the
on collaborative regulation, which SAMENA inevitability of digital cooperation,
This calls for new initiatives and fresh new Council is pleased to contribute to and digital interdependence, and taking
efforts in the alignment of the Industry's which will come to limelight in the next GSR. everyone alone the way, we can be
and the governments' priorities and merits hopeful that lesson learned over the
a paradigm shift in policy-making and Digital interdependence now demands past year and a half would support
regulations. On our way to economic championing innovation in the creation our moment forward in creating a
recovery, from the technology front alone, and adoption of new digital services by sustainable 5G ecosystem and keeping
increased network capacity and greater the governments, and it all fundamentally our digital supply chains ever more
resilience are some of the key pre-requisites. requires updating mechanisms for global integrated and efficient.
On the other front, key enabling factors, such digital cooperation, which should help
4 APRIL-MAY 2021