Page 66 - SAMENA Trends - April-May 2021
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                                                REGIONAL NEWS

        UAE Tops in Digital Transformation in GCC

        Results of the new GCC E-Performance Index 2021 revealed that
        the six  Gulf countries are progressing steadily  in their digital
        transformation  with UAE topping the  list.  The  2021 report was
        published by Orient Planet Research (OPR), the market research
        unit of Orient Planet Group (OPG), in partnership with information
        and communications technology  (ICT) expert  and independent
        researcher Abdul Kader Al Kamli. The index showed that the UAE
        obtained  high  scores on  all its indicators  to reach  an average
        score of 67.83. Saudi Arabia came in next with an average rating
        of 59.01, followed by Qatar (58.50); Bahrain (57.65), Kuwait (55.10)
        and Oman (55). Nidal Abou Zaki, Managing Director, OPG, said:
        “The GCC E-Performance Index 2021 reflects the member states’
        steady efforts to achieve global leadership and competitiveness
        in today’s digital era. Each country is advancing at its own pace,
        utilizing a  coordinated  approach to digital innovations in line
        with  its  economic  and social development  agendas. “Heavy
        investments in technological infrastructures and next-generation
        tools  such  as  artificial  intelligence  (AI),  the  Internet  of  Things
        (IoT) and robotics are also being made across the region to help
        accelerate  the  countries’  respective  economic  diversification
        policies.  Such  investments  are  crucial  to  significantly  reinforce
        their non-oil sectors and fast-track their sustainable development
        goals.” Abou  Zaki  added:  “We can gain valuable insights from   same data  and analytics company also  predicted  an increase
        the  GCC  E-Performance  Index  2021 concerning  each  country’s   in the ICT spending of Qatar at 9.2 per cent CAGR; Bahrain, 8.6
        commitment to transition to the digital era, its progress and the   per  cent  CAGR;  and Oman, 11.3 per  cent  CAGR. The  scene  is
        opportunities arising from its digitalization journey. The insights   no different in their neighboring Saudi Arabia, where the overall
        will help decision-makers, policymakers, government leaders and   ICT  spending  this  2021  is  projected to  reach USD  32.9  billion,
        business executives to  make the necessary  actions to  step up   up 1.5  per cent in  2020,  according to  an  International Data
        their digital transition according to their growth strategies. Their   Corporation  (IDC) study.  To  check  the region’s  digital  progress,
        approaches should be designed in a way that will make them even   the GCC E-Performance  Index measured the GCC member
        more competitive in today’s highly  connected  and technology-  states’  competitiveness, network  and  AI  readiness, innovation
        driven  society.” Al Kamli, on  the other  hand,  stated:  “As shown   and e-government development. Its findings were based on the
        by the GCC E-Performance Index, the UAE continues to perform   five most important global indexes: the Global Competitiveness
        strongly across all indicators. This comes as no surprise given   Index (GCI) 2019; the Network Readiness Index (NRI) 2020; the
        its  intensified  digitalization  initiatives  that  are  comparable  with   Government AI Readiness Index (GAR) 2020; the Global Innovation
        the rest of the world. We can expect to see more from the UAE   Index (GII) 2020; and the UN E-Government Development Index
        in terms of its digital innovation efforts to sustain its gains and   (EGDI) 2020. The five served as the report’s main indicators. The
        cement its global standing. But other GCC member states are also   World Economic Forum’s GCI is defined as the yearly assessment
        expected to up their game to future-proof themselves and better   of the drivers of productivity  and long-term  economic  growth.
        prepare for the  changes  that will  come  with the unstoppable   Portulans Institute’s NRI positions 134 economies  accordingly
        4th Industrial Revolution.  Overall, in the Arab world,  the GCC   based on their performance  across 60  variables, while GAR of
        will  remain at  the forefront of the region’s  digital  journey.”  The   the International Development  Research Centre (IDRC) and the
        report pointed out the link between better scores and countries   Centre de recherches pour le développement international (CRDI)
        with  advanced telecommunication  infrastructure.  Across  the   studies  the ability  of each  country to integrate  AI into public
        GCC,  telecommunication-related  investments  are rising with   service. GII presents data on innovation and is co-published by
        further growth projections  on the Gulf states’ information   Cornell  University, INSEAD and the World Intellectual  Property
        and communications technology (ICT) spending.  In the UAE,   Organization (WIPO). Lastly, EGDI, as per the UN, explores how
        the government’s  ICT  expenditure is  forecasted  to  witness a   digital government can facilitate integrated policies and services
        compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8 per cent during 2019-  across the 193 UN member states. To compute the average of
        2024  as  per  the  findings  of  GlobalData.  During  2019-2024,  the   each GCC country per indicator, the research team behind the GCC

                                                                                                    66  APRIL-MAY 2021
   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71