Page 22 - SAMENA Trends - August 2019
P. 22


        AT&T’s FirstNet Passes 750,000 Connections

        Public  safety  personnel  across  the  country  continue  to  turn  to
        FirstNet  to  advance  their  routine  and  emergency  responses.
        Nearly  9,000  public  safety  agencies  and  organizations  have
        subscribed to FirstNet, accounting for over 750,000 connections
        in service. And the numbers are growing daily. Why? Because the
        FirstNet communications platform – built with AT&T* and the First
        Responder  Network  Authority  (FirstNet  Authority)  –  offers  first
        responders and those critical to their response a purpose-built
        experience they can’t get anywhere else. “FirstNet is designed to
        be different because that’s what public safety specifically asked
        for. This is the only platform that has been built from the ground
        up just for this community, and we believe FirstNet is the most
        important network in the country because it serves public safety
        across  the  country,”  said  Chris  Sambar,  senior  vice  president,
        FirstNet Program at AT&T. “As we grow and evolve FirstNet, we’re
        proud to connect more members of the public safety community
        and further empower the men and women we rely on to keep us
        safe with the advaned communications capabilities needed to help
        strengthen  their  mission  delivery.”  For  the  second  consecutive
        quarter, FirstNet brings its subscribers the fastest overall network
        experience. According to the results of tests taken with Speedtest
        as analyzed by AT&T, FirstNet once again performed faster than
        any commercial network.1 These results come as the number of
        markets with the FirstNet Band 14 spectrum nears 650.2 we’re
        moving  quickly  with  about  65%  of  our  nationwide  coverage
        targets completed well ahead of schedule. The more we roll out
        Band 14 across the country, the more we’re able to provide first   FirstNet during  the record rainfall and flooding  earlier this year
        responders with truly dedicated coverage and capacity when they   was second to none,” said Keenan Campbell, Situation Unit Leader
        need it. This helps them reliably connect to critical information,   – Illinois Incident Management Team. “Having a FirstNet SatCOLT
        communicate and coordinate. And in the coming months, FirstNet   rapidly deployed and onsite to keep our command post connected
        subscribers  will  be  getting  another  boost  in  their  connectivity.   to our broader team was an invaluable asset to our mission, and
        AT&T and Assured Wireless Corporation are working together to   it gives me peace of mind knowing that I have a network that will
        develop  safe  and effective  solutions  that bring  first responders   be there when and where I  need  it.”  “FirstNet  is  the real  deal,”
        the true benefits of high-power user equipment (HPUE). Following   said John Rockwell, Statewide 9-1-1 Coordinator, FirstNet SPOC,
        3GPP standards, HPUE solutions can transmit at stronger signals.   Acting SWIC, Department of Public Safety, Alaska State Troopers.
        This  signal  increase  can  only  be  done  using  the  FirstNet  Band   “We helped organize deployment to fight a fire in northern Alaska
        14 spectrum. That’s huge for public safety. For rural and remote   last month, and we needed communications. A FirstNet SatCOLT
        responders,  HPUE  could  significantly  increase  their  coverage   was  there  in  5  hours.  It  was  the  furthest  north  we’ve  ever  had
        area. For urban and suburban responders, this will help solve the   unified communications, making our ability to respond that much
        common challenge of indoor coverage. The stronger signal will   easier and more efficient.” Plus, we’ve supported agencies at more
        better assist  those connecting  from  hard-to-reach places like   than 100 planned events this year, including coast-to-coast 4th
        basements,  elevators,  stairwells  and  parking  garages,  helping   of July celebrations. First responders have also relied on FirstNet
        first responders communicate inside and out. “Our collaboration   during  music  festivals,  sporting  events  and  speaker  rallies  for
        with AT&T is a perfect example of technology’s power to do great   public officials. When emergencies strike, it’s also critical that 911
        things for public safety,” said Tom Bilotta, CEO of Assured Wireless   call centers have the tools they need to maintain operations. To
        Corporation. “The standards-based HPUE solutions that we plan   help 911 communicators stay connected during potential service-
        to bring forward will build on the unique capabilities of FirstNet   impacting situations, 911 call centers can now use FirstNet as a
        to further strengthen first responders’ ability to communicate no   wireless backup solution to AT&T ESInet™ – a smarter, modernized
        matter where their mission takes them.” Since establishing the   911  call-routing  service.  This  backup  capability  is  enabled  by
        FirstNet Response Operations Program a year ago, public safety   AT&T Private Mobile Connection, which connects AT&T ESInet to
        has turned to FirstNet to help support them during both planned   FirstNet for added redundancy. If AT&T ESInet detects a failure
        and  emergency  events.  This  year  alone,  we  have  helped  first   in the primary connection to the PSAP, emergency calls will be
        responders stay connected during nearly 75 emergency events.   automatically  routed  over  FirstNet.  Keeping  PSAPs  connected
        From  wildfires  and  floods,  to  a  tropical  storm  turned  hurricane   during  critical  times  helps  improve  emergency  response  and
        and tornadoes, to search and rescue missions in remote locations   enables 911 communicators to provide seamless service to the
        and more, FirstNet has been there. “The support we received from   community until the primary connection is restored.
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