Page 34 - SAMENA Trends - August 2019
P. 34


        Huawei Joins Paris Call for Trust, Security in Cyberspace

        Huawei  Technologies has  joined the   to  ensuring  security  for  all  customers   member of the Paris Call, we will advocate
        Paris Call, a declaration aimed at spurring   and  users.  “The  quest  for  better  security   zealously  for  the  universal  adoption
        collective   action   toward   securing   serves as the foundation of our existence,   of  objective  testing  and  verification
        cyberspace.  In  becoming  a  Paris  Call   said John Suffolk, Global Cyber Security &   standards  for  all  technology  vendors.  By
        member,  Huawei  joins  564  other  entities   Privacy Officer at Huawei. “We fully support   relying on objective third-party standards
        who  have  made  a  public  commitment   any endeavor, idea or suggestion that can   to test the security of technology made by
        to  strengthening  the  security  of  digital   enhance  the  resilience  and  security  of   any vendor, we can ensure that decisions
        products  and  digital  systems.  The   products  and  services  for  Governments,   about  security  are  based  on  facts,  rather
        group’s  members  include  67  states,   customers  and  their customers.  We   than emotions or political rhetoric. Huawei
        139  international  and  civil  society   support  global  collaborative  action  on   will work with governments, other private
        organizations,  and  358  private-sector   improving  defenses  against  cybercrime,   companies,  and  civil  society  to  promote
        companies.  Launched  by  the  French   including  openness,  transparency  and   capacity-building measures that make the
        government  in  November  2018,  the  Paris   internationally  agreed  standards”.  As  a   digital world more secure.
        Call  is  a  declaration of commitment to
        work collaboratively on one of the world’s
        most  challenging  issues.  Members work
        together  to make digital products more
        secure,  strengthen  collective  defenses
        against   cybercrime,   and   promote
        cooperation  among stakeholders  across
        national  borders.  They  also  pledge
        adherence  to  international norms of
        responsible  behavior  in  cyber  space.  As
        a  leading  provider  of  information  and
        communications   technology,   Huawei
        invests  heavily  in  research  aimed  at
        making our products  and solutions as
        secure as  possible, and is  committed

                                             Nokia Anticipates That Brazil’s 5G Auction Will Be

                                             World’s Largest

        Nokia’s CTO for Latin America believes that   and  700MHz  frequencies  meanwhile  will   frequencies up for bidding in March 2020,
        Brazil’s  impending  auction  of  5G-ready   facilitate the ultra-reliable and low latency   Cardoso noted that it would be the world’s
        spectrum  will  be the world’s  largest.  In   communications  required  for  industry.   largest  5G  auction  yet.  The  regulator  is
        an interview with Reuters, Nokia’s Wilson   These  latter frequencies  were described   also  cooperating  with  other  vendors,
        Cardoso noted that Brazil was the vendor’s   by  Cardoso  as  the  “crown  jewels”.  He   including  Ericsson and Huawei, although
        largest market in the continent and claimed   has previously stated his belief that 5G’s   Cardoso  was  confident  that  the  Chinese
        that  Brazil  had  the  “political  will  to  carry   greatest impact in Latin  America will  be   vendor in particular could lose out due to
        out a large spectrum auction” in Q1 2020.   on  industry,  including  agriculture,  mining,   the  widely-known  security  concerns  over
        He noted that Nokia was hotly anticipating   and energy such as smart grids. Nokia is   its equipment. He referred to Nokia as “the
        5G’s debut in Brazil. The country’s regulator   working in these sectors with partners in   western  alternative  to  Huawei’s  products
        Anatel is currently finalizing the licensing   Brazil  and Chile, and conducted 5G trials   and their direct competitor, as our end-to-
        process,  having  in  May  allocated  2.3GHz   with Brazil’s TIM Participacoes in February   end portfolios are quite compatible.”
        and 3.5GHz frequencies for 5G. The 26GHz   last  year.  If  Anatel  opts  to  put  all  four

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