Page 46 - SAMENA Trends - August 2019
P. 46
Building Key Pillars of Digital Agenda in a Level-playing
Elie Abdallah
Corporate Strategy Analyst
The fourth industrial revolution is rapidly transforming all sectors The Information and Communication
and markets. Digital transformation is no longer an option or
enhancement to existing businesses; it is a core feature, an Technology (ICT) is no longer a vertical
unavoidable evolution for any process and solution in every sector within the global economy, it has
organization. The Information and Communication Technology
(ICT) is no longer a vertical sector within the global economy, it has become a horizontal layer, deeply integrated
become a horizontal layer, deeply integrated in the foundation of in the foundation of every other sector.
every other sector. This digital revolution is not only transforming
the corporate world, it has also shaped our lives as individuals chances and operate under the same cross-border regulations,
and our communities. This innovative transformation is evolving have less entry-barriers. Entrepreneurs, especially young ones,
at a scale and speed that bring immense opportunities for have more chances to participate in the digital realm and introduce
innovation, growth and prosperity. In order to make a better use of their digital innovations to consumers. Successful ideas can easily
these unlimited opportunities offered by the digital technologies, scale up once they are able to manage their businesses under a
5G and IoT, all key stakeholders should push towards a common common set of rules. Thus, it is essential to break down barriers
digital agenda in a level-playing field. between countries by reducing the differences in contracts,
e-commerce, digital copyrights and consumer protection laws.
A level-playing field is a fair market situation in which all players
have the same chance of succeeding. It is a market that ensures Cross-border parcel delivery is another hurdle in e-commerce.
the free movement of goods, services, and capital. A status quo Stakeholders suffer from lack of transparency, excessive costs
where individuals and businesses can seamlessly access and in particular for small shipments, complicated customs’ rules
exercise online and digital activities all under the same laws, and fees. In a level-playing field of digital services, e-commerce
regulations, regardless of the user, network or servers’ location. providers should have access to affordable, high-quality and
cross-border parcel delivery, that can encourage consumer trust
The digital agenda in a level-playing field relies on three key pillars: in cross-border online sales.
1. Better Access for individuals and organizations to digital
products and services. Large players, mainly in oligopoly markets, tend to restrict access
2. A fair and commonly regulated Environment in which digital to consumers based on their location; they sometimes force a
and innovative services can flourish redirection to local or regional websites, completely ban access
3. A maximized growth potential for the digital Economy and to some content or also show different prices and currencies for
connected Society. different users. Such practices are sometimes referred to as forced
segmentation of customer base, or geo-blocking. Authorities and
1. Access regulators should protect the right of consumers to access any
The level-playing field can provide suppliers and consumers digital content and the right of sellers to offer their products to
with an open and free market in which any consumer may have any user. A cross-border digital law or agreement should ban any
access to any digital product and service. Entry barriers for young unjustified geo-blocking practice.
entrepreneurs will be reduced, creating job opportunities and
innovative digital services. Taxes imposed on products sold across countries represent a
tricky challenge for all cross-border sellers, in particular online
A fair marketplace, where all players have the same success stores. In fact, having to deal with many different national
46 AUGUST 2019