Page 56 - SAMENA Trends - August 2019
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        Sri Lankan Company Implements Cloud-Based Digital Strategy

        With  operations  supported  by  a  range  of   become one of Sri Lanka’s first and most   Backup, including solutions for  customer
        Microsoft solutions, Capital Alliance Group   innovative cloud-centric investment banks   information classification, protection, real-
        (CAL)  recently  featured  in  a  Microsoft   supported by Microsoft Azure, Office 365,   time  analytics,  and  identity  management
        client  case  study  (published  on  their   Dynamics  365  and  Power  BI.  “Microsoft   through  Dynamics  365  and  Power  BI.
        website)  highlighting  how customers  at   is one of the main partners in our digital   “Power BI  allows  us  to  create  our own
        CAL  benefit  from  a  reliable  and  trusted   transformation  journey,”  says  Tharindra   analytical reports and derive insights from
        service,  while  employees  enjoy  a  highly   Kulasinghe,  Chief  Information  Officer  at   existing ones. The integration  between
        collaborative  and  connected  workplace   CAL. “Cross-platform tools like Power BI,   Dynamics  365  for  managing  client  data
        with the support of Microsoft solutions   Dynamics 365 and Office 365 offer around-  and  Power  BI  gives  us  the  capability  to
        and products. Capital Alliance  Group   the-clock   availability   and   seamless   personalize workspaces,  while allowing
        (CAL)  is  a  full-service  investment  bank   productivity  gains.”  A  key  transformation   us to access the Power BI reports directly
        offering  a  broad spectrum  of integrated   pillar at  CAL is  the importance of a   from  Dynamics  365,”  notes  Kulasinghe.
        investment  and  capital  market  solutions   reliable  digital  working  environment  for   With Power BI as an option for analytical
        to all investor categories including family   employees.  The  bank  purchased  Office   reporting  in  Dynamics  365,  employees  at
        businesses  and institutional clients.   365  licenses  from  globally  recognized   CAL  experience  great  visual  presentation
        Commencing operations in 2000, the bank   partner  Microsoft  partner  H  One  for its   of data in different  mediums  like graphs,
        specializes in originating,  trading  and   head office in 2017. By the end of 2018, the   pie charts, etc. Users also have the ability
        investing  in  debt  and  equity  securities.   bank had rolled out Office 365 across the   to tweak the  reports as needed and can
        CAL  is  also  a  Primary  Dealer  registered   entire  organization.  “Office  365  ensures   easily analyze financial trends. Thanks to
        with  the Central Bank  of Sri Lanka,  and   that we always have the most up-to-date   cloud-based technologies, communication
        has been named ‘Best Investment Banking   modern productivity tools from Microsoft,”   and collaboration are simpler and more
        Company  Sri  Lanka’,  ‘Best  Investment   explains Kulasinghe. “Using Office 365, we   powerful—not  only  for  CAL  but  for  other
        Banking  Solutions  Provider  Sri  Lanka’,   share daily operational notices, milestones   financial  services  all  around  the  world.
        ‘Best  New  Asset  Management  Company   and other event updates with the company.   Kulasinghe  explains, “Microsoft’s tools
        Sri Lanka’  and the ‘Fastest  Growing Unit   With   Outlook,   Skype   for   Business,   have  greatly  increased  our  collaboration
        Trust Manager Sri Lanka’ at  the Global   OneDrive  and  Microsoft  Teams,  our   capability  and  capacity  for  data-driven
        Banking and Finance Review Awards 2015.   employees can now collaborate no matter   intelligence.  We  have  greatly  reduced
        In recent years, CAL has focused on using   where they are or what device they are on   our  capital  expenditures  on  physical
        technology  to  help  build  more  efficient   24/7.”  Security  is  another  key  strategic   technology,  allowing  us  to  improve  the
        capital markets, whilst maintaining a high   pillar at  CAL.  The bank collaborated with   return  on  investments  and  explore  other
        degree of operational stability. To do this,   Jinasena Infotech to  integrate Microsoft   avenues for growth and success.”
        and realize its strategic  goals, CAL has   Enterprise  Mobility  +  Security  and  Azure

        Idea to Harmonize Digital Policies in Africa Mooted

        African leaders in the Information and Commu-
        nication Technology (ICT) sector have proposed
        an idea to harmonize digital policies to acceler-
        ate the continent’s digital transformation. The
        leaders are meeting in Kigali for the India-Africa
        ICT Summit and Expo. Paula Ingabire, Rwanda’s
        Minister  of  ICT  &  Innovation,  told  participants
        that  there  was  a  need  to  have  inclusive  poli-
        cies. “We need to think about inclusive policies
        because  the  levels  of  development,  levels  of
        resources, as well as skills are not similar on the
        continent,” she said. This, she argued, will facil-
        itate  the  delivery  of  equitable  opportunities  for
        the entire African population. Ingabire suggested
        that policymakers ought to leverage on the con-
        tent’s  youthful  population,  which  is  agile  and
        adaptable  to  drive  digital  transformation.  More
        than  ever,  countries  across  the  continent  are

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