Page 73 - SAMENA Trends - August 2019
P. 73


        LEO Satellites Will Change the IFC Game

        Qatar  Airways,  which  was  only  launched  in  1997,  is  one  of  the   step ahead of your customers in order to be able to deliver the
        world’s fastest growing airlines and a pioneer in terms of In-Flight   best solution and experience. This is something that I hope to see
        Connectivity  (IFC).  Ashi  Hoseini,  manager  of  Electronic  Flight   more of in the airline industry over the next two to three years.
        Bag (EFB) systems at the airline, spoke to Via Satellite recently   My ambition is of course to continue the digital transformation in
        about  the  airline’s  view  of  the  connected  aircraft  market,  and   new ways to increase simplicity and operational efficiency.” One
        what could be coming down the pipeline. She believes the influx   of  the  big  questions  for  airlines  when  investing  in  connectivity
        of Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites will dramatically change the   solutions,  particularly  around  satellite,  is  the  potential  Return
        game. “Absolutely (they will impact the market)! LEO satellites are   on  Investment  (ROI).  With  passengers  seemingly  somewhat
        a new and growing technology and like any new technology, they   reluctant to pay for these services, the challenge  for airlines is
        will have an impact and will probably disrupt the market. These   how they can justify huge investments in equipping their fleets
        satellites are cheaper to build and will open up the possibilities   with  state-of-the-art  connectivity.  On  the  business  model
        for other type of players and solutions. Other benefits are more   question,  Hoseini  says,  “Basing  your  business  case  and  model
        redundant systems, highly resilient and much greater bandwidth   on  the  revenue  from  passengers  is  not  correct  and  will  never
        compared to the traditional High Throughput Satellites (HTS),” she   give the expected ROI. The business model should be based on
        said. For an airline like Qatar Airways that invests aggressively in   other  types  of  benefits  such  as  revenue  gained  via  partnership
        IFC, it needs to be aware of all the latest technology and solutions   with other relevant industry players or by focusing on the benefits
        as it looks to remain at the cutting edge of customer experience.   gained as  a  result of  automation of data  distribution  such as
        Hoseini admits there are many new technologies and players in   aircraft health monitoring, more frequent and accurate weather
        the  connectivity  field,  and  new  possibilities  to  be  explored  and   and turbulence data, etc. The model is more complex and requires
        evaluated. She said she hopes to see more established solutions   more creativity and re-thinking.” However, Hoseini believes that
        and  more  concrete  examples  and  statistics  related  to  benefits   the market as  well as  the digital  transformation taking  place
        and paybacks. She also talks about the possibilities of Artificial   within airlines is leading to positive change. She said that during
        Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). She said, “I hope that   the last two to three years, connectivity has been growing and the
        more and more vendors and application developers incorporate   benefits are becoming more and more visible and tangible. “Be
        the AI and ML technologies into their solutions. I believe that as   connected at any time has also become a need and expected to
        a developer in this fast pacing industry, you should be one or two   exist by consumers and customers who connect to the internet
                                                               in  order  to  interact  with  digital  content,  services,  experiences
                                                               and  brands.  This  digital  connectivity,  which  supports  the  very
                                                               existence of connected consumers, has altered all aspects of life,”
                                                               she said. “We have also seen solutions that are more secure and
                                                               mature  with  proven  track  record  in  the  industry.  Many  airlines
                                                               have also gone through a digital transformation and mobility in
                                                               different areas is growing. Connectivity is the main pre-requisite
                                                               and the best way to benefit from a digital and mobile solution,
                                                               which makes the way to a decision very short and a natural step. I
                                                               think that the combination of all above factors have led to a large
                                                               change in the market. And more and more airlines are joining the
                                                               trend and make connectivity part of their mobile strategy.”

        Russia Refuses Approval for OneWeb Satellite Signals

        Journalist Chris Forrester has posted at the   publication  Bleeping Computer  said  the   access, according to Professor Christopher
        Advanced Television infosite that OneWeb   reason  could  be  anxieties  by  Russia  that   Newman   at   Northumbria   University,
        wants to girdle the planet with around 650   it could not control the services from, and   speaking  to  the  BBC.  “[Satellite  internet]
        satellites  to  provide  global  broadband   to,  OneWeb’s  satellites.  In  May  Russia’s   presents an existential strategic threat to
        coverage. To do this, the company needs   President Putin signed a bill that obliges all   their trying to limit internet activity within
        the permission of major countries to send   Russian web-traffic to pass through points   their  boundaries.”  OneWeb  already  has  6
        and  receive  signals  from  the  overhead   that are controlled by the government. GfK   satellites on-orbit and, last month, started
        satellites  —  Russia  has  refused to  grant   stated that  a  quarter of Russians do not   mass-production of satellites at a rate of
        these rights to  OneWeb. OneWeb had   have  internet  access.  The  latest  refusal   two per day. Somewhat ironically, OneWeb
        applied to the Russian State Commission   for the OneWeb platform was a sign that   will be  using  Russian-built  rockets to
        for  Radio  Frequencies  to  approve  the   the  country’s  authorities  remain  keen  to   launch the bulk of the company’s satellite
        use of OneWeb’s  signals.  Specialist   continue tightening their control of internet   fleet.

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