Page 83 - SAMENA Trends - August 2019
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                                             TECHNOLOGY NEWS

        5G Network Revenue to Surpass $4B in 2020

        Global  5G  network  infrastructure  revenue   reach 12 per cent in 2020. With 5G service   use  cases  of  the  technology,  with  more
        is tipped to almost double between 2019   already underway in the US, South Korea   CSPs  targeting  the  enterprise,  covering
        and 2020, hitting $4.2 billion as 5G rollouts   and major European  countries including   a  range  of industries. There will  also be
        begin  to  accelerate  over  the  next  12   the UK and Switzerland, Gartner said 2020   the emergence of private network use, for
        months. Analyst company Gartner expects   will see a number of other major markets   industrial users, which is seen as a huge
        there to be an 89 per cent increase in 5G   join  the  party.  CSPs  in  Canada,  France,   potential  market  by  equipment  vendors.
        infrastructure revenue for communications   Germany,  Hong  Kong,  Spain,  Sweden,   Fabre said: “It’s still early days for the 5G
        service  providers  (CSPs),  from  2019   Qatar  and  the  UAE  have  all  announced   private-network  opportunity,  but  vendors,
        figures  of  $2.2  billion.  The  upward  trend   plans to accelerate 5G through next year.   regulators  and  standards  bodies  have
        is expected to continue, with revenue from   Gartner said 2020 will also see enhanced   preparations in place.”
        5G  forecast  to  hit  $6.8  billion  in  2021.
        Sylvain  Fabre,  senior  research  director
        at  Gartner, noted that  at  present CSPs
        are  using  non-standalone  technology,
        which “enables  them to  introduce  5G
        services more quickly”, with 5G New Radio
        equipment  running alongside  existing
        4G  core  network  infrastructure.  This  will
        change  in 2020, as CSPs roll out stand-
        alone  5G  technology,  requiring  5G  NR
        equipment and a 5G core network, “which
        will lower costs and improve performance
        for users.” As a result, Gartner also forecast
        that  investments  in  5G  NR  network
        infrastructure  will  account  for  6  per  cent
        of the total wireless infrastructure revenue
        of  CSPs  in  2019,  and  that  this  figure  will

        Fiber Set to Become Europe’s Leading Fixed Broadband Technology by 2023

        xDSL  is  the  leading  fixed  broadband   fiber  broadband,”  GlobalData  Technology   December 2018 to stimulate the migration
        technology  in  Europe,  accounting  for   said.  The research  notes  that European   from copper lines to fiber broadband. The
        49.9%  of  all  fixed  broadband  lines,  but   fixed  telecom  providers  are  increasingly   Italian government is planning to provide
        fiber  is  forecast  to  overtake  it  by  2023.   joining  forces  through  co-investments   subsidies – via a voucher scheme – of up
        According to new analysis from GlobalData   projects and network sharing agreements,   to $3,423 (€3,082) for small and medium
        Technology, fiber will grow at a compound   to  accelerate  coverage  and  reduce  the   enterprises  (SMEs)  and  up  to  $5,705
        annual  growth  rate  of  12.4%  to  2024.  At   costs  of  fiber  deployment.    For  instance,   (€5,137) for schools when migrating fixed
        present,  Russia has the highest  share of   in  April  this  year,  Vodafone  and  Orange   broadband  to  the  fiber-optic  network.
        fiber  lines  in  Europe  as  a  percentage  of   agreed  to grant shared access  of their   The  Italian  government  also  incentivizes
        total  broadband  lines  (75%),  but  Spain   future  fiber  networks  to  both  operators   fiber  deployment  in  less  profitable  areas
        expected  to take the  lead in 2023, with   in Spain. European  telecom  regulators   such as  rural areas  or areas  with  a  low
        an  86.5%  share.  “To  meet  ever-growing   and  governments  are  also  encouraging   population density. A debate continues in
        consumer  data  demands  and offer new   and  incentivizing  fiber  deployment.  For   Italy  about  the  consolidation  of  the  fiber
        digital  products  and  services,  European   instance,  the French  regulator, ARCEP,   network operators, TIM and Open Fiber.
        telcos are strongly investing in high-speed   announced  a  ‘fiber  zone’  initiative  in

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