Page 5 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
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                               ITU Child Online Protection Guidelines

         Implementing Measures to Protect Children & Young People Online

                                                 H.M. Queen Silvia of Sweden
                                             Founder, World Childhood Foundation

                         Ms. Doreen Bogdan-Martin                           Dr. Joanna Rubinstein
                              BDT Director, ITU                  President & CEO, World Childhood Foundation
                                 Switzerland                                        USA

        The  Internet  has  increased  access  to   of more than 52% of the world's population.   already online. Approximately, one third of
        information in all corners of the globe, and   The  increasing  use  of  the  Internet  and   all internet users today consists of children
        is now woven into multiple aspects of life   the  ICTs  empowering  children  and   and young people (CYP).
                                             young  people  to  learn,  express,  entertain
           “The child  shall have            themselves,  experience  new  things,  and   Despite  the  profound  benefits  of  the
           the  right  to freedom of         to  connect and  communicate  with  their   Internet, there are real threats online that
                                             families  and  friends.  The  Internet  can
                                                                                 children and young  people  can and do
           expression;      this    right    also provide substantial access to health,   encounter.  They  can  be  exposed  to  age-
           shall  include  freedom  to       education,  financial,  and  information   inappropriate content  or inappropriate
                                             services, which otherwise might not have
           seek, receive and impart          been  readily available or accessible  in   perpetrators  of  sexual  abuse.  They  can
           information  and ideas  of        different communities across the world, and   suffer reputational damage from publishing
           all  kinds,  regardless  of       we have lately  witnessed  the importance   sensitive  personal  information,  and,
                                                                                 among other things, can face risks related
                                             of  the  Internet  since  the  Covid-19  crisis.
           frontiers,  either  orally,  in   In 2019, approximately half of the world’s   to online privacy. To add, the availability of
           writing  or  in  print,  in  the   population used the internet. The usage of   child sex abuse material online is a matter
                                             internet is fairly high among young people
                                                                                 of  grave  concern.  According  to  IWF,  in
           form of art, or through any       and  children.  Young  people  and  children   2019, 132676 web pages were confirmed
           other media of the child’s        tend  to adapt more easily and readily to   to be containing child sex abuse material,
           choice.”                          new technologies. UNICEF estimates that   with a large percentage containing images
                                             approximately  71%  of  young  people  are
                                                                                 children below the age of 10.
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