Page 61 - SAMENA Trends - August 2020
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Saab Explores Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellite Communication for Global
Maritime Connectivity
Saab will, together with the companies shore, which will facilitate the maritime a more sustainable society," says Chris-
ORBCOMM and AAC Clyde Space, lead a transport systems. Furthermore, AIS can tian Hedelin. The consortium running the
groundbreaking Swedish space project; to be used as before since the system boasts space project consists of Saab, ORBCOMM
develop space based communication for full backward compatibility. But the VDES a leading global provider of IoT and AAC
the maritime sector via the new automat- system will not only provide the opportuni- Clyde Space a manufacturer of spacecraft.
ic tracking standard, VDES. The new VDES ty for positioning and communication (as The project, to place a VDES nanosatellite
package does not only enable safer, more the AIS system does) but also serve as an in LEO, is co-funded by the Swedish Trans-
sustainable and greener shipping but the enabler for e-navigation and autonomous port Administration (Trafikverket). "The
technology also has spin-off potential for shipping. The technology might even be new LEO nanosatellites are part of what is
other industries. Saab has in recent years applicable for other usage as for exam- now called 'New Space' and this project is
broadened its offer to include space based ple (IoT) communication between owner a good example of how industry can devel-
products and solutions. The company is and cargo, transported both at sea and on op powerful and cost efficient space based
now taking a next step and investing in land. "This is a very exciting project where solutions. Saab entering in to this busi-
a satellite project that will expand glob- Saab is testing new technology in space, ness with its technology is a significant
al data communication opportunities for which we think will become the enabler of opportunity for all involved," says Christian
the maritime industry but also potentially future secure communication services and Hedelin, Chief Strategy Officer at Saab.
for other industrial Internet of Things (IoT) applications," says Christian Hedelin, Chief The purpose with the project is to test and
applications. The first demonstration sat- Strategy Officer at Saab. E-navigation and develop new technology in preparation of
ellite is intended to be followed by a larger other solutions based on the VDES tech- a future operational VDES satellite con-
constellation of satellites that will form the nology also has the potential to deal with stellation with global coverage. The VDES
new part of the maritime communication the growing global maritime traffic. This project is expected to begin in October
infrastructure. The space-based infra- will lead to safer and more optimal traffic 2020, with the launch of the demonstration
structure would increase VDES range from management, which will save a lot of fuel satellite in mid-2022, followed by in-orbit
the shoreline to anywhere in the world, and emission. "With the deployment of demonstration and testing, which will end
converting what is currently a predomi- this technology, we will also contribute to in the first quarter of 2023.
nantly coastal system into a global mari-
time system. For the first time, all ships in
service with VDES can carry out two-way
communication with each other across
the globe, like a secure wireless internet
for shipping. For the last 20 years, Saab
has been leading maritime traffic manage-
ment with products using the Automatic
Identification System (AIS). Now the next
generation of AIS is taking form within
an international VDES standard. The VHF
Data Exchange System (VDES) has up to
32 times more bandwidth compared to
AIS. The system will transmit small data
packages between satellites, ships and
Telecom Namibia Upgrades VSAT to Bring Connectivity to Remote Areas
Telecom Namibia has upgraded its release that the VSAT service, dubbed supports delivery of both narrowband
VSAT hub to ensure faster and reliable ‘Satlink’, is an ideal solution for those and broadband connectivity anywhere in
connectivity for users in remote areas and who cannot get a voice and/or broadband Namibia, even in the remotest places,’ he
will soon begin deploying remote terminals internet access via the company’s existing added. Telecom markets a range of Satlink
to various areas across the country wireless or wireline access technologies. packages offering unlimited data volumes
following successful pilot installations. ‘Telecom’s upgraded VSAT is based on and download speeds of up to 10Mbps.
Lukas Shuuya, Acting Chief Technical the latest high capacity, high throughput
Information Officer, noted in a press and low latency satellite technology and
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