Page 100 - SAMENA Trends - December 2023
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                         Following a review considering the  performance   and 26.6GHz-28.1GHz, which are currently undergoing
                         evaluation  of mobile broadband systems  for  4G and   migration  from a single  wholesale  network (SWN)
                         5G  networks, the  Malaysian  Communications and   model  to  a  dual  network  model.  Having  launched  a
                         Multimedia  Commission  (MCMC)  has  published   consultation on its plans with regards to MSQoS back
        Malaysia         a Public Inquiry Report  regarding  the  mandatory   in October, the regulator has said it is now of the view
                         standards for quality of service (MSQoS) for ‘Wireless   that the proposed revision of the MSQoS for Wireless
                         Broadband Access Service’. In its report, the MCMC set   Broadband Access Service ‘will ensure enhancements
                         out plans to revise the MSQoS by establishing two sets   to existing  levels  of quality  of service by the  service
                         of ‘Key Quality Indicators’ (KQI), namely the ‘Mandatory   providers and further improve consumers’ experience’.
                         KQI’  –  which  monitor  and  enforce  the  parameters  in   A  final  determination  on  the  revised  standards  are
                         the standards – and the ‘Monitoring KQI’ – which keep   now expected to be published within 45 days from the
                         track  of  the  parameters  for improvement  purpose.   conclusion of the public inquiry report, and will come
                         According  to the  regulator, generally  the  Monitoring   into effect from 1 April 2024.
                         KQIs apply specifically to 5G network operating in the   (December 21, 2023)
                         IMT frequency band 703MHz-743MHz, 3.4GHz-3.6GHz

                         The  Federal  Telecommunications  Institute  (IFT)  has   we are working on another bidding scheme that allows
                         disclosed  plans  to stage  a  consultation  regarding   a lot of flexibility, so that all possible interested parties
                         its  long-awaited  5G  spectrum  auction  next  month.   can participate,  not  just  the  two usual  big  network
                         Alejandro Navarrete  Torres, Director  of the  IFT’s   companies, because  there  are  other  very  small  ones
        Mexico           Radioelectric Spectrum Unit, noted that the watchdog   that are also providing services. Other operators have
                         is  keen  to  auction  airwaves  in  the  600MHz,  850MHz
                                                                        expressed their interest in the spectrum, but they cannot
                         and  3.5GHz  bands,  while  the  1.5GHz  L-band  is  still   obtain  large blocks of spectrum in  large geographic
                         under  consideration.  The  official  continued:  ‘None  of   areas, due to the level of payment.
                         the proposals were taken into account, and that is why   (December 13, 2023) El Economista

                         The  National  Regulatory  Agency for Electronic   The licenses are valid for a period of six years and expire
                         Communications   and   Information  Technology  in December 2029. ANRCETI granted the concessions in
                         (ANRCETI)  has  awarded  spectrum  in  the  2100MHz   accordance with the provisions of the Radio Frequency
                         band  to Orange  Moldova, Moldtelecom  and  Moldcell.   Spectrum Management Program 2021-2025. The fee for
        Moldova          The three operators were granted the following blocks:  the allocated spectrum will be paid in two instalments
                         •  Moldcell:   2×20MHz   (FDD)   block,   1920MHz-  due by 31 March 2024 and 31 May 2024; payment of the
                           1940MHz/2110MHz-2130MHz                      license fee (which will be calculated in proportion to its
                         •  Moldtelecom:   2×20MHz   (FDD),   1960MHz-  general terms of validity) will be made in Moldovan lei at
                           1980MHz/2150MHz-2170MHz                      the official EUR exchange rate set by the National Bank
                         •  Orange  Moldova:  2×20MHz  (FDD),  1940MHz-  of Moldova on the date of payment.
                           1960MHz/2130MHz-2150MHz                      (December 19, 2023)

                         The  Ministry  of  Economic  Affairs  &  Climate  Policy   for entrepreneurs  and  consumers that  we can now
                         (MEACP)  announced  that  a  court  in  Rotterdam has   continue with our ambitions in the field of digital mobile
                         ruled in favor of the ministry in all eight lawsuits against   infrastructure. Because the Netherlands is now the very
                         the government’s 5G 3.5GHz spectrum band licensing   last EU country that can auction frequencies for 5G and
        The              plans,  clearing  a major  hurdle  to begin  preparations   that  has  frustrated  technological  progress  and  digital
                                                                        opportunities for all Dutch people.’ The statement added
                         for an  auction  to  take  place  in  2024  –  although  the
        Netherlands      statement  adds  a  cautionary  note  that  plaintiffs  may   that concerned companies, organizations and telecoms
                         appeal  the  decisions.  Details  of proposed  changes   operators have filed court cases against the MEACP’s
                         to the  national  frequency plan  were  opposed  by   5G policy decisions based on ‘various interests’ which
                         the  three  main  Dutch  mobile  operators  KPN,  Odido   ‘vary  so  much  that  meeting  everyone’s  individual
                         and  VodafoneZiggo  alongside  prospective  users  of   preferences  is  impossible’,  and  the  MEACP  has  had
                         3.5GHz  local  private  networks  including  Amsterdam’s   to weigh  up these  interests,  with  the  court  agreeing
                         Schiphol Airport and the Port of Rotterdam Authority.   that  ‘[the  ministry’s]  choices  and  considerations  are
                         Minister  Micky  Adriaansens  stated:  ‘It  is  good  news   understandable and well substantiated’. In advance of

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