Page 119 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
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        end-user expectations for optimum performance are being met.   would also be established for non-SMP providers, albeit with a
        (February 26, 2021)                         shorter  timeframe  of  seven  days  –  rather  than  the  15  required
                                                               from SMP operators – and with a focus on whether the pricing is
        The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has published   considered burdensome, although the PTA may amend the tariff
        draft  regulations  on tariff  setting, which look  to  amend the   if it becomes anti-competitive or burdensome at a later date. The
        watchdog’s capacity to regulate  pricing  for services. The  draft   regulations also permit the PTA to set price ceilings and floors for
        rules  require  operators  with  significant  market  power  (SMP)  to   basic services. Alongside empowering the PTA to more closely
        submit written proposals to the PTA, which may approve, amend   monitor and regulate tariff pricing, the draft regulations also tie-in
        or reject the proposal if the tariff is considered anti-competitive   to consumer protection rules and regulate potentially misleading
        or ’burdensome’.  The  regulator considers  tariffs burdensome   information  in  advertising.  Stakeholders  have  until  24  February
        if  they  provide  profits  for  the  licensee  that  were  ‘abnormally   2021 to submit feedback on the draft regulations.
        high’, or the tariff is  considered  beyond the affordability of the   (February 17, 2021)
        intended  consumers.  A similar  review  and approval  system


        The Communications  Regulatory  Authority (CRA) has  called   (CRA)  publishes the resolution results of telecom  consumers’
        on consumers  and service providers to comply  with their   complaints received in 2020. CRA received 1303 complaints and
        responsibilities  and respecting  consumer  rights as  part  of  its   inquiries from consumers about telecom services in Qatar, these
        activities to celebrate World Consumer Rights Day (WCRD) 2021.   complaints were evaluated by CRA based on a set of criteria to
        The  WCRD is  marked on March 15 every year to raise global   determine  their validity to CRA’s complaint  process;  696 were
        awareness  of consumer  rights and needs.  The  CRA  is Qatar’s   valid complaints and CRA resolved 95% of the total complaints
        communications agency which regulates the telecommunications   and inquiries received. Also, CRA is working with Ooredoo Qatar
        and information technology sector, postal, and access to digital   and  Vodafone  Qatar  to  finalize  the  related  investigation  of  the
        media. The  CRA balances  consumer  rights  with the  needs  of   remaining ones. “One  of  CRA’s  responsibilities  is  ensuring  to
        service providers. “You are responsible to protect yourself as a   balance between  consumers’  and telecom  service providers’
        telecom consumer by knowing your responsibilities and rights,”   rights through  various aspects; issuing the needed  regulatory
        the CRA  said  in  a  statement on Twitter.  It  urged consumers   instruments to  regulate the sector effectively,  monitoring
        to read  the  contract  and terms of service  conditions  before   the service providers’ compliance  and the quality of telecom
        subscription  (a  2020  survey  from showed  that   networks  and services  provided  to consumers,  enhancing  the
        only 1% of technology users read ‘Terms & Conditions). The CRA   sustainable competition  between  service providers to ensure
        noted that consumers should choose a suitable credit limit that   the provision of innovative and high-quality services and finally
        meets their requirements, choose a convenient package, ensure   resolving consumers’ complaints if not resolved by the telecom
        they  read  notifications  and  bills  sent  by  service  providers,  and   service  providers  or  if  consumers  are  not  satisfied  with  the
        lodge  complaints to  the service provider before reaching  the   provided  resolution,”  said  Amel  Salem  Al-Hanawi,  Director  of
        CRA. Meanwhile, telecoms service providers have been implored   Consumer Affairs Department, CRA. The statistics indicate that
        to provide innovative and high-quality services and customized   71% of all received complaints were related to mobile services;
        services for consumers  with special needs.  The  providers are   billing complaints  of post-paid services accounted  the highest
        to clarify terms and conditions of the service to the consumers   percentage  of complaints,  while the other  main complaints
        before subscription,  issue accurate  and understandable  bills   were related to  mobile  packages, networks coverage,  and
        in  the  consumer’s  preferred  language,  send  SMS  notifications   mobile number portability service. As for fixed-line services, the
        to  consumers about their credit  limit  and receive and solve   statistics  indicate  that  they  were 29% of the total  complaints,
        consumers’  complaints. Recently,  the CRA disclosed  that   out of these complaints  the billing  and service disconnections
        it  received 1,303  complaints  and inquiries  from consumers   complaints were the most received. It is worth mentioning that
        about telecom  services in Qatar.  According to the CRA, these   under  CRA’s telecom  complaint  resolution  process;  consumers
        complaints were evaluated based on a set of criteria to determine   with a complaint are free to approach the CRA if their complaint
        their validity to CRA’s complaint process, of which 696 were valid   lodged directly to their service provider about a mobile service
        complaints, and CRA resolved 95% of the total complaints and   disconnection  remains  open  or unresolved for 48  hours,  or 72
        inquiries received. It stressed that it was working with Ooredoo   hours in case of fixed-line disconnection. Also, if the complaint
        Qatar and Vodafone Qatar to finalize the related investigation of   is not related to a service disconnection and remains unresolved
        the remaining ones. (March 21, 2021)  for 30 calendar days or if the complaint is closed at any time and
                                                               they were dissatisfied with the offered resolution. Consumers can
        On the World Consumer  Rights Day, which  occurs  every year   lodge a complaint to CRA through different channels: CRA’s 24/7
        on March 15,  the Communications  Regulatory  Authority   hotline number  (103),  email  address [email protected].

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