Page 28 - SAMENA Trends - February 2022
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        protection  against cyber  threats such  as
        viruses, botnets  and advanced persistent
        security threats. It will also help customers
        to  reduce their CAPEX by  eliminating the
        cost of deploying and running  hardware
        on their  premises as  well as  reducing
        their OPEX of hiring additional operational
        resources. “GO”  will  provide the needed
        protection  with  a  much lower cost.  This
        contributes to the transformation journey
        of “GO” to better serve its business clients   with quality of world-class standards.

                                             Huawei Ranked Among  Top 10  Most Valuable
                                             Brands of 2022

        Brand Finance has named Huawei among
        the top 10 most valuable brands for 2022
        in its  recently published  Brand Finance
        Global 500  2022  report, jumping up 6
        places from 2021  despite  facing many
        unforeseen  challenges.  The  Chinese  tech
        giant  has  ranked  the world’s  9th  most
        valuable brand for 2022.  Its  brand value
        improvement  defies  the  odds  amidst  the
        heavy  scrutiny it  faces from the US.  The
        report  from the London-headquartered
        brand valuation and strategy consultancy
        showed a staggering year-on-year growth
        of 29% in Huawei’s  brand value  to $71.2
        billion. Every  year, Brand Finance  puts
        5,000  of  the biggest brands to  the test,
        and publish nearly  100 reports, ranking
        brands across  all  sectors and countries.   annual Brand Finance Global 500 ranking   most valuable industry, with a cumulative
        The  world’s top 500 most valuable  and   – now in its 16th year. As a whole, the tech   brand value of close to  US$1.3  trillion in
        strongest  brands are included  in the   sector  is once  again revealed  to be the   the Brand Finance Global 500 rankings.

        Huawei Explores How Countries in The Middle East Region Can Take the

        Lead in Digitization at The Inaugural LEAP Summit in Riyadh

        During  this week’s LEAP  conference  held   digital transformation in Saudi society, in   while Edwin Diender, CIO  of the global
        in Riyadh, Huawei showcased how a new   line with  Vision  2030  goals.  The country   energy business  unit at  Huawei, looked
        generation  of cutting-edge  technologies   aims to become one of the world's top 20   specifically at how the digitization journey
        and applications will  help nations to   tech economies using digital  to  create a   can support  a  global energy transition
        achieve  their  digital  transformation  more diverse economy. Huawei’s rotating   and carbon-neutrality  goals.  Steven Yi,
        agendas    successfully,  sustainably,  chairman  Guo  Ping delivered  a keynote   president  of Huawei Middle East,  said:
        and securely.  In addition  to being  a   speech on the opening day of LEAP on how   "As  the  host of  LEAP,  Saudi  Arabia’s
        strategic partner to the inaugural LEAP   companies and countries in the region can   digitization  roadmap  exemplifies  the
        conference,  a  number  of international   take a  lead in global digital  innovation.   transformative role of technology across
        Huawei executives participated in forums   The synergy of modern technologies was   all sectors of the society. The Kingdom has
        throughout  the three-day  event.  LEAP   also  explored by  Frank  Dai, president  of   put digitization on the fast track and is now
        was  held against  the backdrop  of rapid   cloud  business  at Huawei Middle  East,   amongst the global pioneers in deploying

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