Page 71 - SAMENA Trends - February 2022
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                                              WHOLESALE NEWS

        South African Regulator Holds Hearing on Mobile Termination Rates

        South Africa’s  Independent  Communications  Authority (ICASA)
        will hold public hearings to review call termination rules, as the
        country’s  largest operators dispute over a  rule change  eight
        years ago. The hearings are taking place today (February 7). The
        regulator  published  a  discussion  document  in November  2021
        and received  seven  submissions  from operators  Cell C, MTN,
        Switch Telecom, Telkom, Vodacom, the Internet Service Providers'
        Association (ISPA) and telecommunications policy analyst Ewan
        Sutherland. ICASA councillor Dr Charley Lewis noted since halving
        mobile termination rates in 2014, consumer prices for voices calls
        have “tumbled” with the affordability benefitting both businesses
        and consumers. “We have gone through all submissions and have
        decided to engage further through public hearings. The intention   termination rates eight years ago with executives stating the rule
        is to interrogate the submissions so that we can have a clearer and   benefits  players  who  have  not  invested  in  their  networks,  and
        deeper  understanding  of the views  expressed by  stakeholders.   detrimental to those that have. Mobile termination rates are also
        It  is  important to have a  holistic view of all  comments,  and to   an issue in Kenya, where Telkom claims it is forced to pay half of
        engage with concrete and specific proposals on the key issues, so   its revenues to rival Safaricom, for its customers to end their calls
        that we may arrive at informed, evidence-based decisions,” said   on its network.
        Lewis. Vodacom was vehemently against the cutting of mobile

        ComReg  Issues Finding  of Non-Compliance  to  eir Related  to  Wholesale
        Local Access Obligations

        Irish telecoms  watchdog  the Commission  for Communications   determine the telco’s compliance with obligations imposed under
        Regulation  (ComReg)  has  notified  fixed  line  incumbent  eir  that,   the ‘WLA Decision Instrument’ published back in November 2018;
        as per its findings, the latter has not complied with obligations   that decision included price control obligations and transparency
        imposed  upon  it  related to the wholesale  local access (WLA)   obligations  for eir.  According  to ComReg,  eir has been  given
        market. In a press release regarding the matter, ComReg noted   until 28 March 2022 to make representations to the watchdog in
        that it relates to the charges levied by eir for duct access, with the   response to its findings.
        regulator having conducted an investigation in which it sought to

        ARPT Cuts MTRs, Moves to Reduce Call Pricing

        Guinea’s Regulatory Authority for Post and Telecommunications   ARPT has also confirmed that a GNF20 per minute levy applied to
        (L’Autoritie  de  Regulation  des  Postes  et Telecommunications,   on-net mobile calls following the adoption of Order A/2021/457/
        ARPT) has announced that mobile termination rates (MTRs) will   MPTEN/CAB/SGG  of 29 March 2021 has been  abolished.
        be halved to GNF100 (USD0.011) per minute with effect from 1   Recognizing  the charge had adversely affected  consumers
        February 2022, as part of a range of measures designed to lower   and caused industrial unrest in the sector, the regulator said it
        the cost of mobile services. The regulator notes that the cut – the   hopes operators will now resume offering bonus call minutes to
        first since the interconnection charges were introduced more than   customers. Finally, the watchdog has also proposed that telcos
        a decade ago – will result in wholesale off-net call charges falling   stop charging for calls to their customer service numbers.
        by 18.2% for Orange and 20% for MTN and Cellcom. In addition, the

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