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        WRC-23 Preparations: Finding Common Ground on

        Spectrum Allocation and Regulation

                                                                                 world remains connected and people can
                                                                                 communicate  seamlessly, anywhere and
                                                                                 at any time, in the years to come.”

                                                                                 The review of selected  WRC-23  agenda
                                                                                 items spanned technology and associated
                                                                                 regulatory challenges and questions – from
                                                                                 International  Mobile  Telecommunications
                                                                                 (IMT) and mobile broadband to  crucial
                                                                                 frequency  allocations for broadcasting,
                                                                                 aeronautical,  maritime, satellite, science,
                                                                                 and amateur radio services.
        The   International  Telecommunication  digital transformation for sustainable
        Union (ITU) has completed its final review   development,”  said  ITU  Secretary-  Global representation and engagement
        of key topics  for the upcoming World   General  Doreen Bogdan-Martin.  “As we   More than  800  participants attended  the
        Radiocommunication  Conference (WRC-  enter  the  final  stretch  towards  WRC-23,   workshop, either in person or remotely.
        23).                                 collaboration  and coordination  among
                                             different regions  and countries  is  more   The  discussions  included  leaders
        Radiocommunication   experts   from  crucial  than ever to reach  consensus  on   and experts  from  the main  regional
        national  administrations,regional  and  vital aspects of spectrum management.”  telecommunication  organizations
        international  organizations,  and other                                 reflecting  six ITU regions  that span the
        United Nations agencies, as well as service   Insights to shape spectrum management  globe:
        operators  and equipment  manufacturers,   The  inter-regional workshop allowed
        met in Geneva,  Switzerland,  to  complete   participants to exchange  views, clarify   Asia-Pacific   Telecommunity   (APT)
        the four-year preparatory cycle.     their respective positions and proposals,   Arab  Spectrum  Management  Group
                                             and initiate preliminary negotiations to   (ASMG)  African  Telecommunications
        This third and final inter-regional workshop   facilitate decision-making at  WRC-23.   Union  (ATU)  European  Conference
        on   WRC-23   preparations  provided  Representatives from different  world   of  Postal  and  Telecommunications
        updates  on topics to be addressed  at   regions each brought unique insights and   Administrations  (CEPT) Inter-American
        WRC-23, as  well as  at  the preceding   priorities.                     Telecommunication        Commission
        Radiocommunication  Assembly  (RA-23),                                   (CITEL) Regional Commonwealth in the
        both taking place in Dubai, United Arab   “This diversity of perspectives is essential   Field of  Communications  (RCC) World
        Emirates, in November and December.  for finding common ground and addressing   Radiocommunication  Conferences,  held
                                             the specific needs of different regions and   every three to four  years, review and
        Experts  from  regional groups presented   countries,” said Mario Maniewicz, Director   revise the ITU  Radio Regulations,  the
        views,  positions,  and proposed  solutions   of the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau.  international  treaty  governing  the use of
        based on the WRC-23 agenda,  reflecting                                  the radio-frequency spectrum and satellite
        the  latest  results  of  preparatory  “I  am  delighted that despite  the meeting   orbits.
        studies conducted through  the ITU   restrictions related to  the COVID-19
        Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R).   pandemic,  we have been  able  to make   WRC-23 takes place between 20 November
                                             significant   progress   in   preparations   and 15 December. It is preceded by RA-23
        “In  today’s  interconnected  world,  finding   for WRC-23  and pave the way towards   from  13-17  November,  responsible  for
        common  ground on radio spectrum     effective spectrum management,”  he   establishing the structure, leadership, and
        allocation and regulation  is  at  the   added. “The resulting insights  and   programme for ITU  radiocommunication
        heart of global efforts to accelerate   collaborations will shape our discussions   studies over the next four years.
        universal connectivity and sustainable   and decisions  at  WRC-23, ensuring  the

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