Page 26 - SAMENA Trends - Gitex Special 2023
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increased exponentially, and this plays a requirements and enabling quicker oil and gas, public safety, healthcare,
pivotal role in increasing network capacity. time to market.” This achievement will manufacturing and more to have
Our partnerships with technology leaders support the use of 5G network for FWA complete control over their user data with
has also contributed to setting these subscribers who can enjoy fiber like user on-premise hosted MEC (Multi-access
benchmarks in the industry and bring experience over wireless network and edge computing) and use their enterprise
advanced solutions to the country making also accelerate the adoption of 5G private data and security policies to manage
sure we address customer digitalisation’s network technology in other sectors like data delivered from a private 5G network.
e& Joins the World Economic Forum's EDISON Alliance to Drive Digital
e& announced it has joined the World
Economic Forum's EDISON Alliance,
reinforcing its commitment to making a
positive impact on the world by prioritizing
digital inclusion in achieving the United
Nations (U.N.) Sustainable Development
Goals. Launched in 2021, the EDISON
Alliance is a global initiative that seeks
to improve the lives of millions of people
through affordable access to digital
solutions in healthcare, finance, and
education. e& has pledged to contribute
significantly to this mission by striving to
improve the lives of 30 million individuals
through enhanced network access,
financial services, and technology
education by 2025. Hatem Dowidar, Group divide and ensure that the benefits of the achieve our shared goals." By becoming
CEO of e&, has been appointed as one of digital age are accessible to all. Claude a member of the alliance, e& will be the
the Champions of the Alliance, taking Dyer, Acting Head, EDISON Alliance, World first technology player headquartered in
a prominent role in working alongside Economic Forum, said: “The EDISON MENA to join the global platform, following
senior government officials and industry Alliance is a unique multistakeholder the UAE government’s commitment to
leaders to drive digital inclusion globally. platform aiming to demonstrate that the EDISON Alliance as a partner in its
Dowidar said: "Joining the EDISON reaching universal digital inclusion is Lighthouse Countries Network. The alliance
Alliance underscores our commitment to achievable by inspiring organizations to demonstrates the UAE's dedication to
an inclusive digital world where everyone positively impact one billion people by digital wellbeing, aligning with its national
can harness the benefits of the digital age. 2025, catalyzing new partnerships that goals in technology, education, healthcare,
Central to our values is bridging the gap would not have come about otherwise finance, future initiatives and enhancing
for those currently missing out on internet and facilitating peer-learning and best digital reach, accessibility, literacy, and
opportunities. By championing digital practice sharing.” Harrison Lung, Group global impact. The EDISON Alliance brings
inclusion, we aim to uplift individuals Chief Strategy Officer at e&, has been together 50 CEOs, ministers, and 100
and communities, subsequently fueling appointed to the Executive Network of organizations from various sectors and
global economic growth.” He added: “We the Alliance, where he will play a pivotal industries to address the global digital
are committed to supporting and aligning role in mobilizing joint efforts across all divide. To date, the Alliance has positively
with the UAE's efforts in this endeavor. of e& operations and aligning priorities to impacted the lives of 454 million people
Our focus will be on addressing the critical advocate for increased digital investment. through 250 initiatives in 90 countries,
challenges of affordability, accessibility, Lung said: "We recognize that the EDISON marking significant progress toward its
and usability, in collaboration with the Alliance is already halfway to its goal of 2025 target of improving 1 billion lives
public and private sectors, to ensure that the providing affordable access to digital through digital inclusion. e& is dedicated
benefits of the digital age are accessible to services to one billion people. Joining the to harnessing its expertise and resources
all.” The EDISON Alliance's ambitious goal alliance represents a unique opportunity to foster an inclusive digital landscape
is to provide affordable access to digital to make a lasting impact on global digital for all. It remains steadfast in propelling
services to 1 billion people by 2025. This inclusion by supporting the achievement systemic transformations, underscoring
groundbreaking initiative is a collaboration of its goals. I am honoured to be part of universal digital inclusion as its aspiration
between public and private sector leaders, this esteemed group of change-makers, and a tangible objective.
working together to bridge the digital and I look forward to working together to