Page 36 - SAMENA Trends - Gitex Special 2023
P. 36


        Nokia Selected as Rural  Broadband  PON Solution  for Mediacom


        Nokia  announced that  Mediacom, the
        5th largest cable  operator  in the United
        States, is  building  PON  networks to pro-
        vide multi-gigabit  broadband  service to
        rural, underserved communities.  Fueled
        partly by state and federal grant projects,
        Mediacom will leverage Nokia’s XGS-PON
        systems and equipment,  to support  new
        geographical  serving areas.  Mediacom,
        which  offers broadband  to 3.3  million
        homes  and businesses  in 22  states, will
        deploy Nokia’s chassis-based Optical Line
        Terminals (OLTs) and node-based OLTs.
        The chassis-based solution will be used in
        small, non-conditioned cabinets, while the   VP of Broadband Partners at Nokia, said:   Research Manager &  Principal  Analyst
        node-based  will  be installed on strands   “The United States  is  committed to  en-  at  Omdia, said: “Cable operators  are in-
        or utility poles and capable of sustaining   suring that all Americans have access to   creasingly deploying FTTH for both green-
        harsh outside  plant environments. J.R.   the highest  quality  broadband  services.   field  and  overbuild  with  next-generation
        Walden,  Senior  Vice  President  Technolo-  Mediacom’s  ambition to connect Rural   PON technologies, such as XGS-PON and
        gy and CTO  at  Mediacom said:  “Nokia  is   America is critical to help bridge the dig-  25G-PON, because of their inherent energy
        supplying Mediacom systems that deliver   it divide in our communities, and Nokia is   efficiency and almost unlimited scalability,
        up to 25G PON today. Their platforms ef-  proud to have been selected as its partner.   underscoring  the MSO green  networking
        fectively support our services while allow-  Through our onshoring of critical 10G fiber   strategy.”  According to Dell’Oro, Nokia  is
        ing for future growth and expansion  that   solutions and optical modules to the Unit-  the largest provider  of XGS-PON  global-
        will help Mediacom remain both a market   ed States, Nokia will be ready to support   ly. In addition, seven out of ten homes in
        and industry leader in advanced, high per-  operators seeking funding, and to connect   the USA with fiber are served using Nokia
        formance  data  services.” David Eckard,   more people,  sooner.  Jaimie Lenderman,   equipment.

        Nokia to Build Innovation Lab in Dubai

        Nokia unveiled plans to open an innovation   laboratory  will  complement  existing col-  with any cloud server or hardware. There
        lab in the UAE as part of wider ambitions to   laborations  with Dell Technologies  and   is a further plan to combine Nokia’s soft-
        deepen its cloud RAN push in the Middle   Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) to devel-  ware with Dell’s cloud platform to improve
        East and Africa while boosting the adop-  op new innovations around cloud RAN and   the performance of open network architec-
        tion of AI  and other technologies  across   strengthen  its  own portfolio, pointing  to   tures, as well as to deploy HPE’s hardware
        the region. The Finnish vendor stated the   its anyRAN software which is compatible   for Nokia’s  accelerator cards.  Tibor Fab-
                                                                                 ry-Asztalos, SVP for product development
                                                                                 engineering and telecom system business
                                                                                 at  Dell said the partnership  will  aid “net-
                                                                                 work operators digitally transform and
                                                                                 quickly bring innovative and revenue-gen-
                                                                                 erating solutions  to  the market”. Nokia
                                                                                 added it will work with other market-lead-
                                                                                 ing hyperscalers to encourage the “flexibil-
                                                                                 ity of choice of technology suppliers and
                                                                                 operating environments”. The Dubai facil-
                                                                                 ity will also target new use cases around
                                                                                 smart and connected industry, and Nokia
                                                                                 stated its MX Industrial Edge  platform
                                                                                 can aid  local enterprises  accelerate the
                                                                                 shift to Industry 4.0. Network optimization
                                                                                 through the use of AI and machine learning
                                                                                 will also be a key focus at the laboratory.

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