Page 57 - SAMENA Trends - Gitex Special 2023
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                                             REGULATORY NEWS

        CST Publishes Frequency Spectrum Regulations for Maritime Services

        The   Communications,  Space   and
        Technology  Commission (CST)  of Saudi
        Arabia has published  the Frequency
        Spectrum  Regulations  for  Maritime
        Services, which aims to regulate the use of
        maritime radio services, raise the efficiency
        of spectrum use by organizing the channels
        for these services, and ensure international
        harmonization  to protect  these services
        from harmful interference. The document
        highlights the main elements for regulating
        maritime services, such  as types of
        licenses,  management  of numbering
        resources, technical terms and conditions
        for licensing, and frequency allocations for
        maritime radio services. The maritime radio
        services are of essential help to the maritime
        sector, in communications,  navigation,
        distress and safety. According to CST, this
        document  plays  a  role in  managing the
        use of maritime radio services, raising the
        efficiency  spectrum  use  in  the  Kingdom,
        according to  best  international  practices,
        and providing spectrum  for all  maritime
        radio services in the Kingdom while
        ensuring  compliance with  international
        regulations  and  protection  from wireless
        interference. The document can be viewed
        on CST website.

        Industry Body Raises Concerns Over Terms of Argentina 5G Auction

        Mobile industry  association GSMA  Latin   spectrum  for [state-owned telco]  ARSAT   3600MHz  frequency  band. A 300MHz
        America  has raised concerns  over the   compromises the future availability  of   tranche of  spectrum  will  be auctioned  in
        terms of Argentina’s planned 5G spectrum   the resource. This adds to an existing   three 100MHz  TDD blocks, each with  a
        auction,  observing that  the proposed   situation  of  artificial  scarcity.  Argentina   base bidding price of USD350 million, under
        tender  ‘is  contrary  to  best international   has 210MHz  of spectrum  available to   licenses permitting both mobile and fixed
        practices in spectrum allocation and puts   assign.  Unused  spectrum  is  a  missed   5G network services. Qualifying applicants
        the future of 5G  in the country  at  risk’.   opportunity  to  connect  more  users  with   must submit bids by 29 September 2023.
        According to a report by BNamericas, the   greater speeds.’ On 28 August the National   Somewhat controversially, the government
        GSMA stated:  ‘The  price  set in Argentina   Communications Agency (Ente Nacional de   has  reserved spectrum in  the 3600MHz-
        is  very  high in relation to  the economic   Comunicaciones,  ENACOM) approved  the   3700MHz band for ARSAT with a view to
        situation of the country and the revenues   conditions for a long-awaited 5G spectrum   enabling  5G  use  in  the public sector and
        of the industry  …  The reservation of free   auction encompassing the 3300MHz-  via cooperatives and SMEs.

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