Page 101 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
P. 101


        Ceragon Launches AI-Based Intelligence and Management Software Suite

        for Multi-Vendor Wireless Transport Networks

        Ceragon Networks Ltd. the global innovator   at MWC 2023 in Barcelona, booth #5G61.   maintain  open architecture  networks
        and  leading  solutions  provider  of  5G   At  the  event,  Ceragon  will  additionally   overcoming  legacy challenges  presented
        wireless  transport,  today  announced  the   feature  its  OPEN  transport  solutions,   by single-vendor proprietary ecosystems.
        launch  of  Ceragon  Insight,  an  AI-based   new  advanced  long-haul  capabilities,  and   The software suite's AI-powered predictive
        Intelligence  and  Management  Software   flexible network services. Ceragon Insight   maintenance  increases  network uptime
        Suite  capable  of  planning,  managing,   is capable of autonomously implementing   while  helping  to eliminate  redundant
        analyzing,  and  automating  multi-vendor   various  real-time  improvements,  network   reports,  alerts,  and  alarms  that  can  slow
        wireless  transport  networks.  Ceragon   utilization  optimization  tasks,  and  energy-  down  NOC  response  capabilities.  Doron
        Insight's  centralized  management  suite   saving adjustments.  The  software greatly   Arazi, Ceragon CEO, commented, "Network
        includes advanced tools to help customers   reduces the time and expertise required for   Operators  now  have  access  to  a  single
        increase  operational  efficiency,  improve   new link installation  and  commissioning   unified  SDN-based  management  platform
        network  performance,  and  speed  up   with  its  easy-to-implement  customizable   with  a  powerful  easy-to-use  interface.
        troubleshooting. Ceragon will demonstrate   configuration  files.  Ceragon  Insight  helps   Ceragon Insight delivers real-time network
        these new software capabilities next week   Network  Operators  build,  manage,  and   awareness  and  the  intelligence  to  predict
                                                                                 and  prevent  issues  before  they  occur.
                                                                                 Beyond  that,  if  a  problem  does  arise,
                                                                                 Ceragon  Insight  can  be  automated  with
                                                                                 predefined  triggers  and  responses  so
                                                                                 that  it  can  act  autonomously,  delivering
                                                                                 substantial operational savings."  Ceragon
                                                                                 Insight  is  a  cloud-based  software  suite
                                                                                 that  leverages  the  latest  communication
                                                                                 advancements  and  is  now available  for
                                                                                 purchase with  wide compatibility  and
                                                                                 flexible configurations designed to suit the
                                                                                 needs  of  all  customers,  including  cloud
                                                                                 hosting and on-premise options.

        Unified Streaming Powers Workflows for CRA

        České Radiokomunikace (CRA), a digital in-  ucts allow CRA to stream from one single
        frastructure, OTT, and telecommunications   source to all devices including DRM (digi-
        specialist in the Czech Republic and East-  tal  rights  management)  support.  Unified
        ern  Europe,  has  selected  the  technology   tech  also  enhances  CRA’s  workflows  so
        of Unified Streaming to power its growing   that  they  can  now serve  more  concurrent
        on-demand video streaming workflows. As   requests.  CRA  has  recently  experienced
        an OTT platform provider, CRA has seen a   demand for its services outside its normal
        surge in demand over the last several years   region. In addition to the outsize OTT role
        for data transfers, reaching 1 terabyte per   that CRA plays in Czech Republic and oth-
        second.  The  company decided  it  needed   er  countries  (Slovakia  and  Romania),  the   of service, from free ad-supported to pre-
        to replace its current streaming packaging   company has also gone global. Newly con-  mium 4K streaming, comes standard in the
        infrastructure  technology with  a  new  one   tracted to provide intercontinental stream-  technology  of  Unified  Streaming.  Unified
        that could package and serve their content   ing platform services, CRA will now cover   Origin and Unified Packager feature all the
        effectively,  reliably,  and  scalably.  Restruc-  North and South America, Africa, East Asia,   functionality,  flexibility,  and  reliability  that
        turing  meant  finding  a  future-proof  solu-  and  Japan.  Bigger  customers  makes  it   České Radiokomunikace needs as it grows,
        tion.  Meeting  the  Czech  company’s  strict   even  more  important  that  CRA’s  platform   to surpass global demands. “Content pro-
        requirements are two core software prod-  be  able  handle  the  stresses  of worldwide   tection is an important topic for us as well
        ucts,  Unified  Origin  and  Unified  Packager,   streaming  demands.  Unified  Streaming’s   as for our customers. We are continuously
        from Unified Streaming, a creator of world-  technology  will  be  able  to  manage  all   working on providing top quality services.
        class streaming technologies and leader in   global  streaming  preconditions.  Multilevel   Therefore, we welcome the opportunity to
        defining industry-advancing standards and   DRM  (digital  rights  management),  or  the   improve and innovate  our  model of con-
        specifications.  Unified  Streaming’s  prod-  copy-protection of content across all tiers   tent processing and distribution,” said Petr
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