Page 24 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
P. 24


        stc Launches Venture Capital Fund

        stc announced the launch of its corporate   have  a  positive  impact  on  stc  business.   other  services,  focusing  on  the  strategic
        investment  fund  (CIF).  The  Fund  aims  to   “The launch of this fund is in line with stc   dimension  and  the  return  on  investment”,
        invest  in  early  stages  startups  in  various   Group's  strategy  and  our  aspirations  to   he  added.  Motaz  Alangari,  Group  Chief
        domains  including  fintech,  cybersecurity,   work at an accelerated pace to contribute   Investment  Officer,  also  pointed  out
        artificial   intelligence,   digital   games,   to  the  diversification  and  growth  of  the   that  the  CIF  reflects  the  stc  directions
        Internet  of  Things,  blockchain,  and  other   digital  economy. Through  CIF,  we  seek  to   for investing  in  startups  that  adopt  new
        promising  areas.  The  CIF  will  make   enable  distinguished  entrepreneurs  and   technologies  and  digital  business  models
        strategic  investments  to  accelerate  startups  to grow and  expand  at  the  local   that  cover  9  different  industries.  “The
        growth,  enhance  innovation  and  support   and regional levels and benefit from global   launch of this fund is a continuation of the
        the KSA Vision 2030 in terms of economic   investment  opportunities,”  Eng.  Olayan   stc’s  distinguished  journey  in  supporting
        diversification  through  tapping  into  new   Alwetaid, stc Group CEO, commented. “stc   startups  that  play  an  important  role  in
        sectors and  supporting  stc’s strategy-  will not only provide the targeted startups   developing Kingodm’s digital economy. This
        related  entrepreneurs  and  startups  at  the   with financial support and investment but   fund will allow stc to tap into increasingly
        local, regional and international levels. The   will also will link the startups with Group’s   emergent  and  cutting-edge  areas  at  the
        fund will  also  explore new technologies   services.  This  is  to help  those  startups   local and international levels and invest in
        and  business  models  in  digital  sectors.   to  grow  and  benefit  from  the  stc  Group   transformative products that align with our
        It  will  also  predict  new areas  in  the   digital ecosystem in several areas, such as   group’s  strategy”,  he  added.  The  current
        communication  industry,  which  would   cloud  services,  cybersecurity,  and  several   entrepreneurship ecosystem is witnessing
                                                                                 many entrepreneurial ventures, innovations
                                                                                 and  business  models  with  favorable
                                                                                 investment   opportunities  emerging
                                                                                 at  the  local  and  regional  levels.  The
                                                                                 launch of the CIF is a continuation of the
                                                                                 company’s  role  and  efforts  in  supporting
                                                                                 entrepreneurs and digital startups through
                                                                                 several  initiatives  and  investments,  such
                                                                                 as  launching  the  inspireU  program,  which
                                                                                 incubated  and  supported  92  startups
                                                                                 through  9  intakes  with  a  market  value
                                                                                 exceeding  $2.6B.  Also  launching  STV
                                                                                 fund  and  stc  venture  fund,  which  have
                                                                                 made investments  in  several  successful
                                                                                 businesses  across  the  region,  which
                                                                                 has  contributed  to achieving  economic
                                                                                 diversification  and  growth  during  the  last
                                                                                 years  and  supports  the  KSA  Vision  2030.

        Huawei and stc Accomplish the First 50G PON Live Trial in the Middle East

        stc  (The  Saudi  Telecom Company)
        Group,  the  regional  digital  champion,  has
        announced the completion of the first 50G
        PON (Passive Optical Network) trial in the
        Middle  East  on  a  live  optical  network  in
        partnership  with  Huawei.  50G  PON  is  the
        latest  in  broadband  technology  offering
        both consumers and businesses upgraded
        and secure broadband usage. The live trial
        comes at a pivotal time as stc continues to
        invest in technological innovation to deliver
        world-class  connectivity.  It  is  the  latest
        milestone in the long-term joint innovation
        between  stc  and  Huawei.  The  industry
        has  quickly moved towards  broadband
        networks  adopting  all-optical  access
                                                                                             24   JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2023
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