Page 65 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
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        Syniverse Environmental, Social and Governance

        Program - It's Not Just What We Do — It's Also How We

        Do It.

        Gillie Fairbrother is ESG Manager at Syniverse and explains
        why ESG is an integral part of Syniverse’s overall business

        Our  success  as  a  lynchpin  in  the  global  communications  technology
        ecosystem depends on our ability to identify and manage the issues that
        are most important to our business and to our stakeholders. We therefore
        focus on our most material sustainability issues and ensure that they are
        embedded within our ESG strategy and framework. We do this through an
        annual materiality assessment, which includes considering and integrating
        stakeholder feedback.

        We  have  examined  several  different  standards,  including  SASB  and  GRI,
        to  understand  our  industry’s  key  issues,  ultimately  selecting  SASB  as  a
        reference point as it focuses on the issues that are financially material. We
        also recognize the importance and relevance of the UN SDGs and believe
        that goals 3, 5, 8, 12, 13, 16, and 17 are specifically relevant to us. We report
        our carbon emissions to the CDP on an annual basis, and intend to assess
        our work in terms of GRI in the future.                           Syniverse  leads  in  creation  of  new

        In 2021, I was appointed as a dedicated resource to lead our ESG efforts.   technologies and solutions to ensure
        Housing  ESG  in  our  finance  division,  under  the  supervision  of  the  CFO,   the  world  can enjoy  better  mobile
        ensures  joint  responsibility  for  reporting  ESG  and  financial  metrics  and
        adds responsiveness to investor enquiries on ESG topics. I report quarterly   telecommunication  services. We
        to the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee of the Board on   strive to deliver those to be offered
        ESG matters.
                                                                          sustainably  for  future generations.

        At Syniverse, we remain proud of the critical role we play in providing the   We innovate and offer paths  to a
        software,  protocols,  and  orchestration  capabilities  the  world  needs  to   better tomorrow.
        transact, converse, and connect. Our powering of almost every person and
        device on earth is a privilege we do not take for granted. We are also aware   Gillie Fairbrother
        of the responsibility that this position brings with it, and consistently strive   Senior ESG Manager
        to work according to the highest standards of integrity and transparency.

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