Page 93 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2023
P. 93


        Sateliot Collaborates with Sensefinity for At-Sea Satellite 5G IoT

        The  past  two years  have  seen  many
        advances  in  satellite  communications,
        connecting  parts  of the  earth  hitherto
        regarded  as  too remote for  comms
        infrastructures, but there is no more remote
        a location than the high-seas, and looking to
        facilitate data transmission on cargo ships,
        saving  vessel  owners  millions  of  dollars,
        satellite constellation 5G connectivity firm
        Sateliot has entered into a partnership with
        internet of things (IoT) provider Sensefinity
        for asset tracking to launch global 5G-IoT
        satellite  connectivity  for  sea  containers.
        Specifically,  the  two  companies  say  they
        will be able to facilitate the first technology
        of  data  transmission  from  1,000  smart   container are a high addition to a vessel’s   vessel  companies  the  ability  to  transmit
        containers that will save medium shipping   already-expensive  bills,  particularly  when   data from smart containers in the middle
        companies  up  to  $1.4m  per  year  on   considering  tariffs  and port  and channel   of the ocean with a very reduced cost. In
        container  maintenance  and  repairs.  They   fees.  In  explaining  their  partnership,   addition,  Sateliot  assured  that  Sensefinity
        add  that  current  satellite  coverage  is  not   Sateliot and Sensefinity noted that shipping   will be able to report location, temperature,
        100%  global,  as  geostationary  satellites   companies are heavily investing  in  smart   humidity, vibration and container breach in
        only  cover  fixed  areas  of  the  planet  and   containers to control cargo, citing research   real-time,  unlocking  a  set  of  high-impact
        that  their placement  makes  them less   showing that by 2025, 25% of the box fleet   use  cases  such  as  notifications  when  a
        efficient  than  low  earth  orbit  satellites,   will  be  able  to gather  data  from inside   container falls into the ocean, alerting for
        which  come  into  play  to  fix  this  problem.   the  containers.  However,  transmitting   fires  inside  containers,  warning  for  cold-
        The firms also believe that without NB-IoT   gathered  data  in  uncovered  spots  from   chain  breaks  for  sensitive  cargo  such  as
        coverage at high sea, trackers and sensors   the  middle  of the  ocean is  still  an issue.   food and medicines, and reporting impacts
        can only record the information, uploading   Sateliot said the transmission costs of its   and  damages  in  containers.  Another
        it  once  the  vessels  are  near  shore,  when   full  5G  NB-IoT  satellite  constellation  start   advantage of the partnership is said to be
        it  is  already  too late  to do anything  with   from  less  than  $1  per  device  per  month,   the  reduction of food  waste  and  carbon
        damaged  cargo.  Furthermore,  they  argue   and this will allow Sensefinity to facilitate   emissions.
        legacy satellite transmission costs for every   its  growth,  granting  the  shipping  and

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