Page 26 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
P. 26


        AT&T Extends Voice Core Relationship with Nokia to Drive New Services,
        Faster Deployment Times, and Operational Efficiencies

        AT&T is extending its voice core relationship   and  investment,  AT&T continues  to make   vendor  networks,  to  deliver  capabilities
        with  Nokia  in  a  multi-year  expansion   excellent progress in realizing automation   that  automate the  design,  delivery, and
        deal  that  will  support  the  U.S.  operator   at  all  levels  of  its  network and  service   assurance of customer  services at  scale.
        in  delivering  on  its  vision  of  securely   operations. We are pleased to continue our   Raghav  Sahgal,  President  of Cloud  and
        providing  customer-focused  networks  relationship with Nokia to further optimize   Network Services at  Nokia, said: “As a
        and  automation that  drive new services,   our  network operations  and  enable  new   long-time  collaborator with  AT&T, Nokia
        faster  deployment  times,  and operational   services that better support our customers’   fully  understands  the  important  journey
        efficiencies.  AT&T  is  evolving  its  current   evolving  needs.”  The  U.S. operator will   AT&T is on to enhance automation, reduce
        Nokia IMS Voice Core to include Voice over   utilize  Nokia’s  voice core  applications   complexity,  decrease  deployment  times,
        New Radio (VoNR). The updated IMS Voice   through  the  Nokia  Cloud  Platform  (NCP)   and  perform  operational  workflows  faster
        Core  is  a  fully  cloud-native  architecture   to streamline  network activities, enhance   to better serve  its  customers, and  glean
        that enables flexible scaling and increased   automation,  and  minimize  manual  more value from its network. Through our
        automation to improve  AT&T’s  time  to   intervention.  NCP  reflects  Nokia’s  multi-  network solutions, Nokia will boost AT&T’s
        market with new services and yield greater   cloud strategy of providing operators with   network  agility,  efficiency,  and  service
        cost savings.  Yigal  Elbaz,  Senior Vice   the infrastructure of their choice. AT&T will   offerings.”
        President, Technology & Network Services   also use Nokia Digital Operations software
        at  AT&T,  said:  “With  focused  execution   solutions,  open  and  designed  for multi-

        AT&T Unveils First & Only Customer-First Promise Across Both Wireless &
        Fiber Networks

                                             converged  connectivity  experiences.  Con-  customers at  the  heart  of everything  we
                                             nectivity customers can depend on: People   do,” said Jenifer Robertson, Executive Vice
                                             just want connectivity that works. Period. In   President  &  GM, AT&T Mass  Markets  &
                                             the event of a network interruption, we will   Mobility. “Since 2019, we’ve invested more
                                             work diligently to restore service and make   than $140 billion in our network and almost
                                             it right for fiber customers who experience   a billion dollars in customer care and oper-
                                             20 minutes or more and wireless custom-  ations, and that’s brought us to where we
                                             ers  who  experience  60  minutes  or  more   are  today  –  becoming  the  first  and  only
                                             of a covered outage.1 Consumers will au-  carrier that offers a guarantee for wireless
                                             tomatically receive a bill credit equaling a   and  fiber  networks.  From  offering  faster
                                             full day of service and we’ll reach out to our   solutions and enhancing the digital experi-
                                             small business customers with options to   ence, to meeting customers on their terms
        AT&T  is  leveling  up the  industry  with  the   help make it right. Deals customers want:   and using GenAI for an expert touch, we’re
        launch of the  AT&T Guarantee:  a bold   Our best deals on any smartphone are for   committed to raising the bar in the industry.
        promise to consumer and small business   new  and  existing customers  and  don't  re-  This isn’t about maintaining the status quo;
        customers that will deliver the connectivi-  quire the most expensive plan like our com-  it’s about redefining it.” “With the custom-
        ty they can depend on, the deals they want,   petitors do. 2 And we have no hidden fees   er as our compass, this bold initiative em-
        and  the  prompt, friendly  service they de-  or equipment  charges  with  AT&T  Fiber.3   bodies the very essence of our company’s
        serve. And if we fall short of this – we're   Prompt, friendly service that customers de-  Purpose,” said Kellyn Kenny, Chief Growth
        going  to take  action  to make  it  right.  No   serve: Speak to a friendly tech expert within   &  Marketing  Officer  at  AT&T.  "Customers
        other carrier  has  offered a guarantee  as   5 minutes or schedule a callback at a time   tell us they want confidence in their service
        comprehensive  as  this,  spanning  our  net-  that you choose.4 Plus, same or next day   provider  and  offering  a  guarantee  makes
        work, our care and our deals. We’re the first   technician  availability  so  we  can  get  cus-  them  four  times  more  likely  to choose
        and only carrier that offers a guarantee for   tomers help fast for their fiber.5 And if we   a  brand  that  offers  one.  It’s  about  being
        wireless and fiber networks. Plus – we are   can’t  make  that  happen,  we’ll  make  sure   transparent, taking action and ensuring our
        here to take care of our customers across   we get back to our customers as soon as   customers know they are supported. We’re
        consumer and small business. Why did we   possible with options to help make it right.   committed to delivering  on our promises.
        do this? Because we’re the only ones that   “We’ve been on a multi-year journey to im-  We are walking the walk and talking the talk
        can meaningfully  do it  as  the  leaders  in   prove the customer experience, placing our   – and this is just the beginning.”

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