Page 11 - SAMENA Trends - Jan-Mar 2024
P. 11


                                                 MWC Barcelona

        SAMENA Telecommunications Council Facilitates Dialogue on Digitalizing
        Governments & Private Sector

        Representing SAMENA Council, as a part of   the  digital  economy,  emphasizing  on  the   “The  global  digital  econ-
        the GSMA Ministerial Program during MWC   collaborative  efforts  required  to harness
        Barcelona, Bocar BA, CEO & Board Member,   the full potential of digital technologies.  omy is truly on a success
        conducted a discussion on pragmatic ways                                    trajectory—and  we’d be
        both governments  and the  private  sector   “We need to deeply explore the transforma-  remiss in not acknowledg-
        can drive new value out of digitalization.  tive  power  of mobile  connectivity, a  force
                                             that is redefining industries and governance   ing  the  policy, regulatory,
        Titled  “Digitizing  Governments  and  across  the  globe.  Our  journey towards  a   and investment efforts that
        Industry”,  the  session’s  dialogue  fully digitalized global economy is complex   have gone  into  achieving
        revolved  around  pressing  topics  such  as   and  requires  us  to  navigate  through  chal-
        enhancing  digital  government services,   lenges with a unified approach," BA stated,   that.”
        bridging  digital  divides,  advancing  digital   reflecting  on  the  session's  collabora-  Bocar BA, CEO & Board Member
        literacy, managing  data  governance,  and   tion-driven objectives.        of SAMENA Council
        deploying  ethical  AI in  the  public  sector.
        Discussions  also  touched on  the  role  of   BA, in  support  of both governments   role  in  moderating  this  session  under-
        green  ICT development and the strategic   and  the  private  sector also  remarked:   scored  its  commitment  to  facilitating
        management  of digital  investments  as   “The  global  digital  economy is  truly  on  a   dialogue  among key stakeholders  in  the
        critical components for sustainable digital   success trajectory—and we’d be remiss in   telecommunications  and  ICT sectors,
        growth.                              not  acknowledging  the  policy, regulatory,   aiming to foster a more connected and digi-
                                             and investment efforts that have gone into   tally  inclusive  future. Later  this year, the
        During the session, Bocar BA, as moderator,   achieving that.            Council  will  hold  related  discussions
        facilitated  a  deep-dive  discussion  on  the                           among industry leaders  through  its  own
        challenges and opportunities presented by   SAMENA Telecommunications  Council's   industry-support platforms.

                                                                                               11   JANUARY-MARCH 2024
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