Page 23 - SAMENA Trends - Jan-Mar 2024
P. 23


        Omantel Leverages Its Partnership with Google Cloud to Offer Predictive
        Analysis, API Monetization to Businesses and The First in META Google

        Distributed Cloud Edge Solution

        Omantel, the leading provider of integrated
        telecommunications  services  in  the
        Sultanate of Oman, is thrilled to announce
        its monumental collaboration with Google
        to  introduce  the  first  Google  Distributed
        Cloud Edge solution  in  the  META region.
        This  partnership is  set  to revolutionize
        the  digital  landscape,  bringing  advanced
        cloud infrastructure  and  services  to  the
        region. The implementation of the Google
        Distributed Cloud Edge hardware, enables
        Omantel  to deliver unprecedented  levels
        of  performance,  reliability,  and  efficiency
        to  its  customers.  The  hardware  will  be
        strategically  placed  at  the  edge  of the
        network, allowing faster  data  processing
        and  reduced latency.  This  technology
        will  unlock a new era of possibilities  for
        businesses  and individuals,  providing
        seamless  access  to  cutting-edge  cloud
        services. This milestone collaboration will   management and monetization strategies,   Data  Platform to develop  customer and
        empower Omantel to stay ahead of evolving   Omantel is devising innovative solutions to   marketing  analytics  for  better visibility.
        customer demands and deliver world-class   cater to the evolving needs of its enterprise   Omantel is also collaborating with Google
        services.  The  introduction of the  Google   customers.  The establishment  of Google   Cloud to create a cloud space for startups
        Distributed  Cloud  Edge  hardware  further   Distributed  Cloud Edge, an  advanced   and  Digital  Natives  in  Oman  to utilize
        solidifies  Omantel  as  a  key  player  in  the   platform  that  provides  seamless  and   Google Cloud technologies  to enhance
        telecommunications  industry,  proving  secure API services, will position Omantel   their  development  and  offerings.  Omantel
        its  dedication  to providing  exceptional   as a pioneer in the region, and will further   has succeeded, through the integration of
        solutions  and  driving  digital  progress  in   strengthen  its  position  as  a  strategic   its  operations,  processes,  and extensive
        the META region. The strategic partnership   partner  for  enterprises  seeking seamless   expertise  in  the  field  of  communications
        between  Omantel  and  Google, signed  in   connectivity  and digital  solutions,” Al   and  digital  technology,  in  establishing  its
        May  2023  centers  on  the  implementation   Mamari, added.  Omantel  is  committed to   position as a leading telecommunications
        of  artificial  intelligence/machine  learning   driving digitization, fostering technological   company within  the  Sultanate  of Oman
        (AI/ML)  for prediction  models, revenue   advancements,  and  transforming  the   and  beyond.  The  company's  innovative
        maximization,  network  optimization  telecommunications  landscape  in  Oman.   approaches  have  contributed  to  providing
        and  API  Monetization  aimed  at  serving   This  partnership showcases  the  power   the  latest  solutions  to various consumer
        enterprise  businesses.  “This  landmark   of collaboration, innovation, and agility   and business sectors. The company aims
        partnership  smartly  integrates  Google   in  creating  sustainable  and  mutually   to deliver an  unparalleled,  exceptional
        Cloud’s advanced AI/ML technologies into   beneficial   business   opportunities.   experience  to its  subscribers  and  strives
        Omantel's prediction  models, enabling   By  leveraging  each  other's  strengths,   to always  exceed  their  expectations.
        us  to  optimize  our predictive  analytics  to   resources, and  expertise,  Omantel  and   Omantel  works  towards  contributing  to
        identify market trends, customer behaviors,   Google Cloud aim to unlock new potential in   the  achievement  of  Oman  Vision  2040
        and revenue  opportunities,” said  Talal   the telecommunications industry and lead   objectives  by investing  in  emerging
        Said  Al  Mamari,  Chief  Executive  Office  at   the  way  in  digital  transformation.  Google   technologies  and  providing  cutting-edge
        Omantel.  “This  cutting-edge  application   Cloud  has  already  won four  strategic   solutions in modern technology, information
        encourages   better  decision-making,  projects  in  the  realm  of digital/telecoms   and  communications  technology, such  as
        enhanced  customer satisfaction,  and   for Omantel. For Omantel, the partnership   cloud solutions, ICT solutions,  AI, Smart
        increased  revenue  growth.”  “Additionally,   helps  streamline  its  API development,   solutions,  cybersecurity, and  much more,
        the  API monetization  project has  been   onboard  new  partners  quickly, enhance   in addition to harnessing its technological
        instrumental in elevating Omantel's service   their  omnichannel  strategy  and  start  API   capabilities  to  enhance  innovation
        offerings  to enterprise  businesses.  By   monetization.  It  also  allows  Omantel  to   and  leadership  in  new and  advanced
        leveraging Google Cloud's expertise in API   use Data and Analytics via Google Cloud’s   technologies.

                                                                                               23   JANUARY-MARCH 2024
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