Page 88 - SAMENA Trends - Jan-Mar 2024
P. 88


        Intelsat and AMN help to Connect Rural Madagascar

        Among    satellite  operator  Intelsat’s  15 days. Equipment was deployed by using
        announcements for MWC 2024 is news of   carts  pulled  by  livestock and  sometimes
        a communications service in Madagascar   canoes to carry terminals and equipment to
        running in 65 communities, providing first-  the final destination. All this would not have
        time connectivity to about 100,000 people.   been  possible  without  the  help  of village
        Africa  Mobile Network (AMN), which   volunteers,  who helped  carry equipment
        builds,  owns, operates  and  maintains   on  foot  to  reach  the  final  site  location.
        mobile network infrastructure, and Intelsat,   Since  the  connectivity  has  been  set  up, a
        which operates one of the world’s largest   local farmer who previously had to wait for
        and  most  advanced  satellite  fleet  and   postal  orders  can  now check  everything
        connectivity  infrastructures,  are  working   online, while the school now has access to
        to connect 500 sites  in  Madagascar in   a broader range of courses available online.   location  is  too remote.  To date,  65  sites
        the  hope  of  providing  first-time  phone   AMN specializes  in  rural  deployment.   are up and running. The goal is to connect
        broadband services to people who live and   A combination  of Intelsat’s  satellite   120  sites  by  the  end  of March  2024.  At
        work across the country. Some 60% of the   backhaul and AMN’s unique site design is   that point, 200,000 people will have access
        population  lives in  rural  areas.  To reach   used to connect the rural communities to   to telecommunication services  where  no
        Vilanandro on the Northwest coast, a city of   telephone services. The ubiquity of satellite   coverage  previously had  been  available
        1800 inhabitants, took the AMN team over   and  solar power solutions  means  that  no   from any network operator.

        SpaceX Targets Faster Internet with Lower-Orbit Starlink Satellites

        SpaceX  is  seeking  regulatory  approval   such as reduced latency  and increased   simplifies the process of retiring satellites
        to  enhance  its  Starlink  satellite  internet   speed  for  a broad spectrum of users.   by  ensuring  they  can  be  de-orbited  more
        service by positioning a group of second-  The  company highlighted  that  these   efficiently,  ultimately  burning  up  in  the
        generation  satellites  closer to Earth.  The   enhancements are not just theoretical; its   Earth’s  atmosphere  without  leaving
        company  filed  a  request  with  the  Federal   second-generation  satellites  have  already   traceable debris. Although specific figures
        Communications  Commission  (FCC)  this   demonstrated  superior  performance  on the expected improvements in internet
        week  to  operate  some  of their  satellites   capabilities, even in the face of maximum   speeds were not disclosed, Elon Musk has
        within  a  lower orbit  range  between  340-  atmospheric  drag  experienced  during   previously said that the company aims to
        360km  (211-223  miles)  above  the  Earth’s   the  initial  phases  of orbit. SpaceX also   reduce latency to below 20  milliseconds,
        surface. This  is  some  200km  (124  miles)   outlined  other advantages  of this  lower   aligning  with  their  broader goals  of
        lower than their current orbits. (via PCMag)   orbit  operation,  including  the  potential   providing  high-speed  internet  access
        In  its  filing,  which  you  can  read  below,   for heightened  space  sustainability.  The   across the globe, especially in underserved
        SpaceX said  this  proposed adjustment   move  to lower orbits  was  portrayed  as   and remote areas  where traditional
        aims  to improve  Starlink’s  performance,   a  measure  to  mitigate  space  traffic  and   broadband services are either unavailable
        with  the  company  emphasizing  benefits   collision  risks.  Moreover, this  strategy   or prohibitively expensive.

        Omnispace Cleared to Bring S-Band satcoms to Brazil

        Global  communications provider Omnis-  Service (MSS) allocation and the 3rd Gen-  Comunicações Brasil has demonstrated its
        pace has announced that Brazil’s National   eration  Partnership  Project  (3GPP)  n256   NGSO MSS and IoT capabilities on its cur-
        Telecommunications  Agency  (Anatel)  has   band  specifications.  This  mean  that  Om-  rent system through a series of experimen-
        approved its subsidiary Omnispace Comu-  nispace  now has  market  access  to reach   tal licenses in Brazil. It has also conducted
        nicações Brasil Ltda’s request to operate its   more than 735 million people across Latin   vehicle tracking and Internet of Things (IoT)
        non-geostationary satellite (NGSO) system   America, Asia, Africa and the Middle East.   pilot projects in the state of São Paulo to
        nationwide. After conducting a public con-  Together with partners that have spectrum   test  direct-to-device (D2D)  communica-
        sultation  and  technical  reviews, ANATEL   access in 3GPP 5G non-terrestrial network   tions. Omnispace says it is the first compa-
        determined that Omnispace meets the re-  (NTN) bands, Omnispace says it is poised   ny to successfully conduct mobile satellite
        quirements to utilize the S-band (1980-2010   to deliver access in all major international   tests in the S-band in Brazil and will now be
        MHz / 2170-2200 MHz) in line with the ITU   markets as part of a next generation global   the first satellite operator licensed in Brazil
        Radio  Regulations  global  Mobile  Satellite   5G NGSO system. Since 2019, Omnispace   for this band with an operational system.

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