Page 92 - SAMENA Trends - January 2021
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        Federal  Minister  for  IT  and  Telecommunication  Syed  Amin  Ul   service under triple bundle services in GB”, he added. He asked
        Haque said that under Prime Minister’s vision of Digital Pakistan,   CM GB to identify important tourist points  in Northern  Areas
        broadband  services  will  be  provided  across  the  country.  The   so that  broadband  services could  be started there to facilitate
        Minister expressed these  views  during  a  meeting  with  Chief   tourists and for the promotion of tourism. He said that work is
        Minister  Gilgit  Baltistan  (GB)  Khalid  Khurshid  who  called  him,   going on the project for upgrading the of 2G towers for providing
        said  a  news  release.  During  the  meeting  matters  related  to   4G services on Karakarum highway and its surrounding areas. GB
        the provision of broadband  services in GB, and IT parks were   Chief Minister Khalid Khurshid lauded the steps and performance
        discussed. Syed Amin Ul Haque said that work was underway for   of Ministry of IT & Telecom under the supervision of Minister for
        the provision of 4G services in Gilgit Baltistan. “Arrangements are   IT Syed Amin Ul Haque.
        in  final  stage  for  the  provision  of  telephone,  internet  and  cable   (January 10, 2021)


        The Communications  Regulatory  Authority (CRA) and  College   Commenting on the MoU, Dr. Salem Nasser Al-Naemi, President
        of  the  North  Atlantic  in  Qatar  (CNA-Q)  signed  a  Memorandum   of CNA-Q (Acting) said: “We are pleased to collaborate with CRA,
        of Understanding (MoU) to cooperate in the fields of academic,   in order to offer our students and faculty new knowledge sharing
        research, and student support  in  terms  of  Information and   opportunities. Contributing to the development of ICT sector in
        Communications Technology (ICT). The MoU was signed by His   our Nation is an important step, as we move at a fast pace into a
        Excellency Mohammed Ali Al-Mannai, President of CRA and Dr.   digitally driven era. I am confident that this agreement will prove
        Salem Nasser Al-Naemi, President of CNA-Q (Acting). The MoU   to be mutually beneficial, especially that CNA-Q is committed to
        shall  be valid  for three years from the effective date, and the   create  highly-trained,  industry-ready  graduates.  Above  all,  we
        cooperation  framework and scope  of work include  setting  up   greatly anticipate our  evolving  role  in this collaboration,  it is a
        testing and validation processes and procedures for telecom and   new milestone in our journey to empower the new generation and
        networking systems at CNA-Q. In addition, instructors and faculty   give them the right tools to sustain our country’s growth, and help
        members  will  be  invited  to  participate  in  finding  solutions  for   achieve  Qatar  National  Vision  2030  goals.”  (January  26,  2021)
        current telecom related challenges in Qatar, setting up, reviewing,
        and updating regulations for CRA in various telecom fields. Other
        benefits  of  the  MoU  include  providing  instructors  and  faculty   The Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) has published
        members with resources that help conducting applied research   on its website a document titled “Qatar Spectrum Outlook”, which
        that has mutual benefits to CNA-Q and CRA, as well as inviting   is one of its kind in the region that provides the stakeholders and
        students to attend and participate in activities held and organized   interested parties with an overview of CRA’s overall approach in
        by  CRA such  as  training sessions, workshops,  conferences,   terms of the  planned  activities to manage  the  radio spectrum
        and  symposiums.  Capstone  projects  themes  to  students  in   affairs in Qatar until 2022. The Spectrum Outlook includes CRA’s
        telecom  and networking  will  also be  proposed,  while having   priorities related to some of its planned programs and projects
        co-supervisors from CRA, coordinating short visits and trips to   for the radio spectrum until 2022, including CRA’s plans to update
        CRA’s departments and sites, and updating curriculum plans for   the National Frequency Allocation Plan (NFAP), review the radio
        the telecom and networking diploma's and bachelor’s degree to   spectrum  usage  fees,  and  the  mechanism  of  the  Quality  of
        include regulatory related courses. The MoU is also open to allow   Service mobile networks audit, also it highlights some of CRA’s
        cooperation  in any other  programs and activities agreed  upon   strategic projects that  will  be implemented  before FIFA World
        by CRA and CNA-Q. “CRA welcomes the signing of the MoU, it   Cup - Qatar 2022. “It is a true pleasure to share Qatar Spectrum
        will enhance the cooperation and coordination between CRA and   Outlook  with  the  stakeholders  and  interested  parties.  This
        CNA-Q, as we are always keen to build bridges of cooperation with   document was developed in line with CRA’s keenness to manage
        different entities to exchange information and best experiences.   the radio spectrum effectively and transparently, as it will help us
        The  MoU will  support training and developing  youth  skills  and   in enabling the stakeholders and interested parties to understand
        increase their knowledge  of ICT,  also  through  applied research   CRA’s future plans and programs related to the radio spectrum
        which is a key tool for development and providing solutions to   management,  especially  that  the  FIFA  World  Cup  -  Qatar  2022
        related challenges, the MoU will contribute to the development   is  very  close,”  said His  Excellency  Mohammed  Ali Al-Mannai,
        of  ICT  sector  in  Qatar,”  said  His  Excellency  Mohammed  Ali  Al-  President of CRA. The document outlines CRA’s plans to address
        Mannai, President of CRA. “Finally, I would like to thank CNA-Q   issues related to  access to  radio spectrum  and enabling  new
        for their cooperation and we look forward to start working and   technologies, and to make resources available to support telecom
        cooperating  with them within the MoU  framework to achieve   services and applications that  are expected  to require new or
        our common  goals; supporting students and applied research   additional radio spectrum in the coming years, especially during
        and  promoting  the  development  of  the  ICT  sector,”  he  added.   the hosting of the FIFA World Cup - Qatar 2022. The CRA ensures

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