Page 8 - SAMENA Trends - January 2022
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Signal interference, implementation of the Representing a community of the largest in what the Council does as a pan-regional
Collaboration Regulation model, especially multi-network operator groups in the telecommunications and ICT industry
in alignment with Operators’ needs and SAME-NA region, SAMENA Council is a association, working diligently as an
Regulators’ priorities, transitioning to fully regionally-focused but globally active advocate for sustainability of the Industry
IPv6 and overcoming hurdles in the telecommunications and ICT advocacy and a support of national ICT visions
Deployment of Fiber, and adoption of new and regulatory reach organization. throughout the SA-ME-NA region.
approaches in Funding and Financing In this regard, the Council values the
Digital Infrastructure, among a host of confidence provided to the SAMENA Given below are the areas that made 2021
other areas. Council by the Industry’s top decision- another foundational year for the region’s
makers, who constantly remain involved ICT industry:
Greater Spectrum Availability for Mobile Use Achieved
future by 2025. The Communications and
Information Technology Commission of
Saudi Arabia (CITC), by issuing a 3-year
Outlook for Commercial and Innovative
Use of the Spectrum, expressed its plans
to allocate or improve access to more
than 23 GHz of spectrum for a wide
range of digital communication uses,
specifically by allocating the 600 MHz
band and the 3.8 – 4 GHz band for mobile
use, and by allowing secondary mobile
use in the 28 GHz band. This important
development underpinned Saudi Arabia’s
national aim to expand the range of
resources and services in the country,
while ensuring that the digital ecosystem
will thrive and Telecom Operators have
access to more spectrum resources for
incentivizing further investment. As a
result, this development makes Saudi
Arabia the country (and SA-ME-NA
Since 2020, SAMENA Council has unallocated portions of 600 MHz, 700 region) with the most spectrum allocated
been re-emphasizing on the need to MHz and 800 MHz spectrum; and release for mobile use globally in the Sub-6 GHz
(1) do more of what has worked well of 3.8 – 4.2 GHz frequencies, (8) consider and Sub-30 GHz frequency ranges.
throughout the COVID-19 crisis, (2) deferred payment facility and extension
consider temporary spectrum awards of spectrum licenses to 25 years, and (9) Through meaningful collaboration
during Covid times for permanent promptly tackle spectrum interference with the Private sector, Policymakers
allocation, (3) think beyond short-term issues in the SA-ME-NA region. need to promote innovation in the
revenue-generation from spectrum commercial use of spectrum, by
awards, (4) address spectrum needs of During 1Q-2021, progressive policy and increasing access through licensed and
both Terrestrial and Satellite Operators, regulatory steps in Saudi Arabia set a unlicensed approaches, and by ensuring
(5) rethink taxation and license fees, (6) global milestone in spectrum availability, that spectrum management practices
award as much contiguous spectrum unlocking the potential of radio spectrum account for competitive dimensions
as possible, (7) prioritize the release of in Saudi Arabia for a smarter and safer
8 JANUARY 2022