Page 116 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2022
P. 116


        Malaysian MNOs  Still in Discussions  Over Terms  of 5G  Network  Access


        Malaysian mobile network operators (MNOs) Celcom Axiata, Digi   network.  According  to  local  press  reports,  the  MNOs  issued  a
        Telecommunications, Maxis and U Mobile have said they remain   joint statement  regarding  the matter, saying that discussions
        in  talks  with  the  Malaysian  Communications  and  Multimedia   with DNB relating to commercial access agreements would only
        Commission  (MCMC)  over  the  key  terms  of  the  5G  reference   begin once the terms of the RAO had been settled. The quartet
        access offer (RAO) recently published by Digital Nasional Berhand   noted: ‘To that end, the MNOs remain in discussions with MCMC
        (DNB),  the  company  which  is  rolling  out  the  country’s  sole  5G   to seek more clarity on some of the details in the published RAO
                                                               … A recent analyst report may suggest that open topics between
                                                               DNB and its key prospective customers had been resolved, but
                                                               this interpretation would be inaccurate.’ Of note, the MNOs have
                                                               suggested  that ‘a  majority  of concerns  and issues previously
                                                               raised  with  MCMC  and  DNB  have  not  yet  been  adequately
                                                               addressed  …  including  key  principles  proposed  for  the  RAO  to
                                                               be consistent with industry best practices. As such, it has been
                                                               claimed by the cellcos that in its current form the RAO would not
                                                               enable affordable 5G connectivity for Malaysian consumers and
                                                               businesses and could hinder the uptake of the next generation of
                                                               mobile broadband connectivity in the country.

        Celcom, Digi Merger Faces First Regulatory Obstacle

        Malaysia’s  telecoms  regulator  raised  a  number  of  competition   of issues. If cleared, the merged business would have 19.1 million
        concerns related to a planned merger of Celcom Axiata and Digi,   mobile connections as of Q1 2022, data from GSMA Intelligence
        with the broad nature of the issues highlighted likely to halt or   showed. Market leader Maxis ended the quarter with 12 million.
        delay the expected conclusion of the deal in Q2. The Malaysian   Axiata Group and Telenor Group agreed the merger in June 2021.
        Communications  and  Multimedia  Commission  (MCMC)  advised
        the operators  they  to  need  to  collectively address retail  and
        wholesale areas  it  underscored  as  requiring  remedial action.  It
        highlighted the retail market for mobile and fixed broadband data
        services;  mobile  voice  and  text  messaging;  and  the  wholesale
        market for voice,  messaging  and mobile  broadband  services,
        including  network  sharing  arrangements.  MCMC’s  preliminary
        findings  are  part  of  a  merger  assessment  process  begun  in
        November 2021 designed to give the operators an opportunity to
        comment on the agency’s concerns and is not a final decision.
        The companies have 30 days to response to MCMC’s statement

        JCRA Launches Consultation to Test Interest in 5G Services

        The Jersey Competition Regulatory Authority (JCRA) has launched   intent. Responses to the consultation have been requested by a
        a consultation which seeks to reassess ‘interest and demand’ in   deadline of 29 April 2022 and commenting on the matter, JCRA
        5G services. The move follows an announcement in January this   chief executive Tim Ringsdore said: ‘We’re pleased to be restarting
        year in which the JCRA confirmed it was in a position to restart its   the process for licensing 5G spectrum for Jersey, and enabling
        5G spectrum award process ‘with immediate effect’. According to   future benefits for local mobile users. As the pandemic’s impact
        the regulator, it has restarted the licensing process with a public   recedes  and the situation with  network security requirements
        consultation which will look to determine how interest in 5G has   becomes clearer, we believe that now is the right time to pick up
        been affected during the last two years, while the document also   this matter again and look forward to re-engaging with interested
        sets out the JCRA’s planned approach along with key influencing   parties and islanders about 5G.’
        factors that it intends to consider within a revised statement of

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