Page 129 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2022
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                                  REGULATORY ACTIVITIES BEYOND

                                            THE SAMENA REGION

                         A formal consultation on NBN CO’s proposed variation   Executive  Wholesale,  Enterprise  and  Government,  as
                         to its  Special Access  Undertaking (SAU) has  been   saying: ‘Acceptance of the undertaking provides TPG
                         delayed by the Australian Competition and Consumer   with greater flexibility to expand its fixed line network
                         Commission  (ACCC)  in  order  to  ‘provide  NBN  Co   footprint  and to compete  in wholesale  and retail
        Australia        time to address practical issues with  the release of   markets … This supports our pro-competitive strategy
                         information  it  claims  is  commercially  sensitive’.  A   for continued growth in the Australian market … This
                         proposed  variation to the undertaking  comes  after a   is a positive result for TPG and provides much needed
                         series of industry working group meetings conducted   regulatory certainty to enable further investment into
                         by  the  ACCC  in  the  second  half  of  2021,  in  which  a   our network.’ (April 8, 2022) iTnews
                         range of issues with the regulation under the current
                         undertaking were identified and alternative proposals   A public inquiry into access to regional mobile towers
                         discussed.  Subsequently,  NBN  Co  sent  the  ACCC  a   and the feasibility  of providing mobile roaming
                         proposed  variation  to  its  SAU  last  month, in  which   during  natural  disasters  or other emergencies  is  to
                         information it considered to be commercially sensitive   be  conducted  by  the  Australian  Competition  and
                         was  redacted.  However,  according  to  the  ACCC  it  is   Consumer Commission (ACCC), at the request of the
                         essential for there to be a fully transparent and effective   Australian  Government.  In  a  press  release  regarding
                         public consultation process, and as such it has claimed   the matter, communications minister Paul Fletcher said
                         this requires release of the proposed variation in full.   that the recent  ‘2021  Regional Telecommunications
                         Commenting, ACCC Commissioner Anna Brakey said:   Review’  had  noted  strong  progress  but  highlighted
                         ‘The  ACCC  is  required  by  legislation  to  publish  and   issues that  need  to be further  addressed. ‘In  that
                         consult on the variation to the undertaking in full, and   context, we want to make sure that the current settings
                         proposes to do so as soon as is practical to allow third   for  providing  access  to  mobile  towers  are  fit-for-
                         parties to fully engage  in a meaningful  consultation   purpose,’  Minister  Fletcher  said,  adding:  ‘The  ACCC
                         process.’ To that end, the competition watchdog has   will  call for submissions  from a  range  of parties,
                         said it now aims to publish the full variation, without   including  the  organizations  that provide  towers and
                         redactions,  no  later  than  23  May  2022.  According  to   associated  infrastructure, and the organizations  that
                         the  ACCC,  NBN  Co’s  SAU  is  a  ‘key  part  of  the  future   use the towers to provide services to Australians.’ The
                         regulation of the National Broadband Network [NBN]’,   inquiry will look at the costs of providing towers and
                         with it setting  the  terms and conditions  for internet   associated infrastructure, including  land access, and
                         providers to  access the NBN  until 2040,  including   how  these  translate  into  the  fee  structures  for  firms
                         arrangements for setting maximum prices.       interested in accessing towers to provide mobile and
                         (April 14, 2022)               other wireless services. It will also look at the factors
                                                                        that are important for industry in deciding whether to
                         A joint functional separation undertaking submitted by   invest in towers and provide better  mobile coverage.
                         TPG Telecom Limited on behalf of itself and its various   With the ACCC to commence the inquiry by 1 July 2022,
                         subsidiaries  has been  accepted  by the  Australian   it  must  report  within  twelve months. As  part  of the
                         Competition  and  Consumer  Commission  (ACCC).  In   process, the regulator will be required to publish a draft
                         November  2021  TPG  submitted  the  undertaking  to   report and seek submissions on that before providing
                         the watchdog  which  would  apply to all  local access   a final report to the Minister. (March 31, 2022)
                         lines that it controls. With the ACCC having consulted
                         on the matter it has now confirmed its acceptance of   Four government  agencies  in Australia  established  a
                         TPG’s  joint  functional  separation  undertaking,  noting   regulatory body to collaborate on information sharing
                         that this will come into force on 7 October 2022. The   to streamline scrutiny of digital platforms and mitigate
                         undertaking will apply to all local access lines that TPG   growing online risks. The Digital Platform Regulators
                         controls supplying superfast carriage services wholly   Forum will  have  representatives  from  the Australian
                         or principally  to residential  customers,  including  its   Communications  and  Media  Authority  (ACMA),  the
                         existing  fiber-to-the-building  (FTTB)  and  TransACT   Australian  Competition  and  Consumer  Commission
                         networks, as well as any new ‘superfast’ local access   (ACCC),  the  Office  of  the  eSafety  Commissioner  and
                         lines  that  TPG  might  deploy.  In  the  wake  of  the   the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.
                         ACCC’s final decision on the matter, local news outlet   In  a  statement,  ACMA  explained  each  agency  will
                         iTnews  cited  John  Rutherford,  TPG  Telecom’s  Group   work on initiatives related to common issues such as

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