Page 139 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2022
P. 139


                         concluded in September 2021. A deadline of 16 March   shares of IGSH and such additional assets and shares,
                         2022 has been set for submissions to the consultation,   including  100% of the shares of mobile  operator  ice,
                         with Nkom noting that the shortened timeframe for its   Phonepartner  Norge  Holding  and  Ice  Retail  Holding.
                         examination of the matter is ‘partly because the time of   With it noted that deal implies an enterprise value of
                         decision is very decisive for the parties to the transfer’.   approximately  NOK5.56  billion  (USD618  million),  Ice
                         Earlier this month regional energy supplier Lyse entered   Group has said it expects to receive cash proceeds of
                         into a Heads of Terms agreement to acquire Ice Group   approximately  NOK3  billion,  while  the  transaction  is
                         Scandinavia  Holdings  (IGSH)  from  Ice  Group  and  its   expected to close by the end of this month.
                         subsidiary AINMT. This proposed transaction includes   (March 3, 2022)
                         the acquisition by Lyse of all issued and outstanding

                         The  Consumer  Protection  and  Competition  Authority   independently’ for ten months (starting 17 March 2022)
                         (Autoridad de Proteccion al Consumidor y Defensa de   before  they  start  to  integrate  back-office  functions,
                         la Competencia, ACODECO) has approved the proposed   consolidate financial reports and commence network
                         merger  between  Liberty  Latin  America  (LLA)-backed   integration.  In  September  2021  the  LLA  subsidiary
        Panama           Cable & Wireless Panama (trading as +Movil) and its   agreed  to  acquire  Claro  Panama  from  in  an  all-cash
                                                                        transaction valued at USD200 million. One month later
                         smaller  rival  Claro  Panama.  The  merger  agreement
                         will now be submitted to the National Public Services   rival  operator  Digicel  Panama  filed  a  complaint  with
                         Authority (Autoridad Nacional de los Servicios Publicos,   ACODECO, complaining that the merger would lead to
                         ASEP) for review. Notably, the ACODECO resolution has   an ‘illegal economic concentration’.
                         ordered the two companies to ‘operate separately and   (March 29, 2022)

                         Polish  national  telecom  regulator  UKE  will  receive  Funds  will  be  allocated  under  Operational
                         almost PLN 16 million in EU funding for its new system   Program Digital Poland (POPC). UKE plans to implement
                         that will monitor the quality of internet services, reports   the system by June 2023. (April 12, 2022)


                         The President Macky Sall has instructed the Ministry   Funds for Telecommunications (FDSUT)’, adding that
                         of Digital  Economy  and Telecommunications  to   an  assessment  of  the  institution’s  activities  remains
                         optimize telecoms network coverage by strengthening   a  priority.  Improving access to  telecom  services,
                         the universal  service fund. Stressing further public   particularly broadband and mobile payment services,
        Senegal          and private  investment is  required to  further the   plays a key role in the government’s ‘Digital Senegal’
                         country’s  inclusive  digital  development,  President   strategy for the digital transformation  of several
                         Sall told a Council of Ministers meeting last week that   sectors including health and education, as well as the
                         there is an ‘urgent need to redeploy and improve the   wider ‘Emerging Senegal’ economic development plan.
                         intervention  mechanisms  of the  Universal Service   (March 28, 2022)

                         The  Infocomm  Media Development  Authority  (IMDA)   by IMDA’s current regulatory requirements. Specifically,
                         has approved StarHub’s acquisition of a 50.1% stake in   the acquisition will see StarHub’s StarHub Online unit
                         rival ISP MyRepublic’s fixed broadband business which   buying the majority interest in a new business entity,
                         serves  some  6,000  enterprise  customers  including   MyRepublic  Broadband,  which  holds  MyRepublic’s
        Singapore        SMEs and large organizations, alongside over 80,000   broadband  business  in the city state.  In September
                                                                        2021  Singapore’s  second  largest  telecoms  operator
                         residential  broadband  subscriptions  in Singapore. In
                         a press release,  IMDA said it had assessed  that the   revealed  it  was  spending  up  to  SGD162.8  million
                         proposed  consolidation  ‘will  not  substantially lessen   (USD120.5 million) to acquire a majority stake in the
                         competition  in  any  telecommunication  market  in   rival  fixed  broadband  business.  At  the  time  StarHub
                         Singapore, and will not harm public interest’. It went on   noted  that  the  deal  excludes  MyRepublic’s  mobile
                         to note that all applicants will have to continue to abide   business and intern ational business operations. Upon

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