Page 57 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2022
P. 57


                                             Salam Partners with Nokia to Boost Digital Drive

        Salam, a  leading Saudi company in the   broadband  experience  using  the  latest   services in the Kingdom. “We are
        ICT  sector,  has  signed  a  partnership   high-speed  bandwidth  technologies.  committed to supporting its vision to help
        agreement with Nokia for implementation   “The project further strengthens our   individuals reach new heights in digital era,
        of two projects to enhance  its digital   company to  continue playing a  leading   and business customers be smarter, more
        infrastructure in Saudi Arabia, using   role  in  supporting  our  nation’s  digital   digital, more integrated and secure. We are
        the latest  technologies  with  advanced   transformation journey,  and achieving   confident that this partnership is just the
        capabilities. Radwan Al-Mufleh, Salam   the Saudi Vision 2030 aimed at building a   beginning  of a journey and will last long,
        Chief  Commercial  Officer,  said:  "This   prosperous digital  economy  and a  better   creating  a strong positive impact for the
        agreement with Nokia, one of the world's   future for the Kingdom.” Roger Ghorayeb,   people  and businesses  in the Kingdom.”
        largest and leading global  companies  in   Customer  Team  Head  for  Middle  East   Nokia  is  upgrading  Salem’s  existing  fiber
        the  ICT  sector,  supports  Salam's  efforts   Growth  Accounts,  at  Nokia  said:  “We  are   access nodes in its central offices in three
        and future plans  to develop our digital   proud  to have been  chosen  by Salam to   cities  in  the  Kingdom,  with  10x  speed
        infrastructure to  provide our customers   play a vital role in modernizing its digital   increase.  Nokia’s  solution  will  modernize
        advanced  digital  services and best   infrastructure and providing  pioneering   Salam’s  existing  GPON  networks  to  a
                                                                                 future proof,  highly scalable  solution,
                                                                                 leveraging the Nokia's  Quillion  chipset-
                                                                                 based line cards.  The deal also includes
                                                                                 fiber  modems  for  customer’s  homes  in
                                                                                 addition  to  Nokia’s  5G  Fixed  Wireless
                                                                                 Access  gateways  featuring  WiFi  6,  Easy
                                                                                 Mesh compatibility and eSIM capabilities,
                                                                                 and  Nokia’s  FastMile  Controller.  This
                                                                                 agreement  comes  as a continuation of a
                                                                                 series of significant and fruitful agreements
                                                                                 signed by Salam with many leading local
                                                                                 and global  companies to  boost  its  user
                                                                                 experience  with  the  latest  technologies,
                                                                                 and to support its efforts in providing the
                                                                                 best  ICT  services  to  all  its  customers  in
                                                                                 the government  sector, companies and
                                                                                 individuals,  with high  quality services  at
                                                                                 competitive prices.

        Nokia and Rakuten Mobile Demo 1Tbps Per Channel Transmission
        Capability in Live Network

        Nokia  and  Japan’s  new  fourth  mobile   coherent  transmission powered by its   to enable 5G connectivity, video, and other
        operator, Rakuten Mobile, have announced   Photonic Service Engine (PSE) supporting   new  applications.  Commenting,  Tareq
        the successful demonstration of what they   1Tbps  capacity  over  a  150GHz  optical   Amin, Representative Director and CEO of
        claim  is  the  first  live  1Tbps  per  channel   spectrum.  It  went on to say  the test   Rakuten Mobile,  said: ‘We  are  delighted
        transmission over the latter’s commercial   ‘demonstrated the ability to deliver 32Tbps   with the performance of 1Tbps per channel
        Dense  Wavelength  Division  Multiplexer   per fiber in C-band which can be expanded   on our optical network in collaboration
        (DWDM) network,  a speed  increase of   to 64Tbps by adding L-band over a Nokia   with Nokia.  This technical  milestone  will
        500%  on  its  existing  network  running   DWDM line  system used  in Rakuten   allow  us  to  maximize  bits  per  fiber  and
        at  200Gbps.  The  trial  reportedly  took   Mobile’s optical network, vital to providing   achieve  improved  power  efficiency.  The
        place over two days in January 2022 and   maximum capacity for the ever-increasing   enhanced  capacity will  also  support  our
        connected  data  centers  located  135km   data  demands and  to  support  the latest   traffic  growth,  deliver  higher  bandwidth
        apart in Japan’s Kanto region. In a press   generations of routers delivering 800Gbps   and enable Rakuten Mobile to provide new
        release dated 30 March, the Finnish vendor   Ethernet.’  The  trial  comes  as  Rakuten   service offerings.’
        said the 1Tbps speed was achieved using   Mobile is scaling up its network capacity

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