Page 108 - SAMENA Trends - March 2020
P. 108


        ITU Launches Global Network Resiliency Platform

        The International  Telecommunications   trustworthy information and expertise
        Union, (ITU) is  launching  a  "Global   on actions  that telecommunication
        Network Resiliency Platform"  to help   policy-makers, regulators  and  others
        protect telecoms  networks during  the   in the regulatory community  can use
        COVID-19  crisis.  In  a  statement  issued   to  ensure that  their telecommunication
        this morning the venerable organization’s   networks and services serve  the  needs
        current Secretary  General,  Hulin  Zhao,   of their country."  The  Global Network
        says the initiative is designed to help   Resiliency Platform is currently a static
        both  national governments  and the   information  source  but the  ITU will will
        private  sector to ensure that  networks   soon  transmute it  into a  continuously-
        are "safer and stronger", "kept resilient"   updated interactive platform for sharing
        and are "more connected" to ensure that   "throughout this crisis and beyond".
        telecoms  services remain "available   Showing that the ITU is still relevant to
        to all."   Hulin Zhao  added,  "I have   world telecoms
        instructed my team to leverage without   For the advice offered to be effective the
        any  delay  ITU's  existing regulatory  and   ITU needed to move fast and, to it's credit,
        policy-maker platform to help countries   it has done so. There can be no denying
        and industry  cope with  the increasing   that  the  organization’s  influence  has
        stress being  put on  global  networks.”   declined since the turn of the millennium
        The hope  is  that  the dissemination  of   but,  while it no  longer  has the popular  impose massive cuts across the UK's national
        information and the sharing of expertise   pulling power it had back in its glory days  and local health and social services the
        will  give  those countries  that  still  have   of the huge exhibitions that attracted the  emergency  alert system was "kicked  into
        time  to  prepare  for the full onslaught   entire global industry to Geneva back in  the long grass"  and all  but forgotten  about
        of the corona virus the opportunity to   1995  and  1999,  today's  announcement  as  government  departments squabbled  over
        learn about and draw  lessons from   is evidence of its continued importance  which of them would manage its development
        the telecoms solutions that  have been   and relevance to world telecoms. Indeed,  and deployment and  which would pay  for it.
        deployed elsewhere around  the globe.   arguably it is even  more relevant in  Seven years  of inexcusable inaction later,  we
        These,  the ITU  says, can range from   this time of global crisis.  The ITU is a  are all  paying for now.  Meanwhile,  Michael
        emergency  spectrum reassignments to   special  agency  of the  United  Nations  O'Reilly, one  of the  board of commissioners
        guidelines for consumers on responsible   and  was  founded  as  long  ago  as  1865  of the US telecoms regulator  the Federal
        use. Calling for worldwide  industry   to facilitate international  connectivity  Communications  Commission  (FCC) recently
        solidarity  from all  ITU  members  in   in communications networks.  The  has  publicly been  questioning  the continued
        both  the public  and private sectors the   organization allocates global radio  existence and value of the ITU and has been
        secretary general said, "Never before   spectrum  and satellite orbits,  develops  calling for the establishment  of a  "G7-like"
        have   telecommunication  networks  technical  standards  that  ensure  alternative composed  of the world richest
        been  so vital  to  our health and safety,   networks and technologies  seamlessly  countries. Telecoms has always been a political
        and to  keep our  economy  and  society   interconnect. It should never be forgotten  issue as well as a technological  one  and the
        working,  as during  the  COVID-19 crisis   that  the ITU  is  completely  committed  ITU has often been criticized for being overly
        we are living through today. At stake is   to connecting  all  the world's  people,  bureaucratic  and partial  to the interests of
        our ability, as one human family, to give   regardless of where they live or wherever  smaller nations in general and the Third World
        health workers everywhere the tools they   they live or whatever their means.   in particular. Well, the ITU has 196 members,
        need  to carry out their duties,  to allow   Today's  ITU  initiative  was  announced  not seven. It isn't a spoiled rich boys club and,
        all  those that can to work  from home,   a matter of days after the  organization  as it should, it takes input from both sides of the
        to trade online, to ensure that hundreds   published new recommendations to aid  Digital Divide and operates on behalf of all its
        of millions of children and young people   national governments and telcos in the  members not just a few. It continues its work,
        keep up with their studies, and to keep   development  of national emergency  rather more quietly and with less flamboyance
        in touch with loved ones, wherever they   communications  plans and systems -  than it  did in  the 1990s  and remains very
        are." The new platform will help national   something  that is still conspicuously  important to the global telecoms community.
        policy-makers,  regulators  and industry   lacking in  the UK.  Back  in  2013  the  There's  room in  the world for more than one
        stakeholders  to  ensure "that  network   government here carried out successful  telecoms  regulation  and technical  standards
        efficiency is maximised via the sharing of   trials  of a  nationwide  emergency  alert  organization. The ITU's voice should be heard
        best practices and various initiatives put   system.  Under  the now-abandoned  and it has barked today. It's nice to be able to
        in place during the pandemic. This will be   decade-long  austerity regime  that saw  report today that there's life in the old dog yet.
        effected by the collection of "relevant and   successive  conservative  governments

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