Page 14 - SAMENA Trends - March 2020
P. 14


        Due to COVID-19, some challenges in the   standardized use in similar  situations   5G investments, while keeping current
        continuity  of  the leadership  have  also   elsewhere.                  market sustainability needs and demands
        been  observed.  Thus some countries                                     in check.
        have   announced  postponement   of  However, the 5G approach  transcends
        elections.  Had  we had 5G capabilities   technology. What we need is a 5G culture,   What  the current COVID-19  crisis has
        fully in place,  remote  balloting  through  a   with all necessary mindsets,  practices,   brought  to the surface is  that, although
        fully immersive experience,  with integrity   capabilities, attitudes, swiftness in reaction   after at least six long years of deliberations
        and  confidentiality  of  the  voting  process   and intervention, and a far-reaching vision   and speculations  we  may  have started
        ensured,  could have been  conducted,   for a smart, sustainable society.  our journey  toward  5G, we  have  yet  not
        reducing  uncertainty  as  well  as  time  and                           fully mastered our mindset for  it.  After
        administrative costs in electioneering.  Now is the time to revisit and re-energize   the new Coronavirus, it  is  this  need  for
                                             our   multi-stakeholder  engagement  cultural change  that  must  now become
        Had we had 5G in place, our management   approaches. 5G  win-win  scenarios now   viral.  Clearly, no  win-win technology
        models for the  smart-city  environment   need  to focus  on how we can  expedite   deployment scenarios  in the future will
        would have been well on their way  to   5G development  rather than if we need   be complete  without due  consideration
        being  tested for  actual  implementation   it.  Core issue areas  in  5G  investments   given to health management and epidemic
        by  now.  That is, data  aggregation,   remain centered  on incentivization  of   control, among other considerations such
        processing,  and  transmission capability   infrastructure investments,  including  on   as  implementing  cybersecurity,  fixing
        being demonstrated  by  5G  in  the case   spectrum  and  fiber  deployment,  and  on   security vulnerabilities  in  existing and
        of  healthcare  sector can very  well  be   creating relevant partnerships  among   future networks, and ensuring  the safety
        emulated  in national or regional  disaster   terrestrial  and satellite operators and   of children and young people (CYP) online.
        management  approaches,  autonomous   other digital  space players.  Moreover,   COVID-19 must inspire acceleration  of
        logistics and transportation of resources,   policy-makers and regulators should now   5G update, and  we need  to develop  a
        urban development and management,    categorically  reconsider  infrastructure   technology  plus collaboration  culture to
        and environmental protection. All of these   regulations,  spectrum policies, industry   deal with  natural  disasters  and  similar
        areas are important to realizing the vision   fees  and  taxation,  incentives  and  crisis situations in the future.
        of sustainable smart cities, and are equally   competition  policies to  help accelerate
        important globally, given  their close
        correlation with SDGs.                Call-for-action                    3.  align national ICT visions with global
                                              To support the implementation of dozens   trends  and agreed  ICT development
        Developing  the 5G  Culture  and Moving   of recommendations issued earlier by   objectives, by formulating  clear
        Forward                               leading global bodies, such as  the UN   telecommunications  industry plans
        As   a  source  of  inspiration  and  Broadband  Commission, it  is  highly   and  corresponding  digitization
        encouragement, at least one real field test   pertinent that industry decision-makers   promotion policies, which should also
        on the 5G’s promise of large bandwidths,   take immediate steps to:         help enhance competitiveness within
        high speeds, and low latency in making   1.  promote  that  ICT infrastructure is   the telecommunications industry;
        COVID-19 diagnosis and patient care      fundamental  to the survivability of   4.  encourage 5G+ industry applications
        efficient  and  safer  for  the  medical   the nations and thus positive policies   to  develop  a  full-fledged  5G
        practitioners as well as the surroundings,   must be framed as soon as possible   ecosystem,  by  ensuring  that
        has been  conducted  —  leveraging  allied   to incubate  innovation to accelerate   platforms and facilities are provided
        technologies, such as drones for carrying   digital infrastructure development   to new comers  and that market-
        medical supplies and supporting policing   and transformation;              entry  barriers are reduced  for  new
        efforts, robots equipped with AI capability   2.  define  clear  digital  blueprints,  to   investors; and
        and voice prompts, temperature detection,   achieve common  consensus  among   5.  identify  and foster  ICT talent, and
        thermal imaging, disinfectants,  among   policy-makers and ICT ecosystem    put in  practice talent  management
        other features. This clearly demonstrates   players;                        approaches.
        that  the  technology tools are  ready  for

        About the Author
        Bocar  BA  is  CEO  &  Board  Member  of  SAMENA  Telecommunications  Council.  He  participates  in  leading  platforms  and  global
        telecommunications development institutions, including the ITU, UN Broadband Commission, and World Economic Forum (WEF) Global
        Future Council, among others, as a representative of Telecom Operators and private sector, at large. He advocates on the need for
        effective policy-making and next-generation regulation.
        This thought piece draws inspiration from insights provided by the TRA-UAE.
        Izhar Ahmad, Director - Industry Affairs & Communication, SAMENA Council, contributed from conception to publication. He is member
        of Eta Kappa Nu.

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