Page 7 - SAMENA Trends - March 2020
P. 7


        Historic Development of Broadband    Commercializing internet,  among many   the COVID-19 pandemic.
        The epic development  of the internet   things,  involved the development of
        has created the most powerful and    competitive private network  services  and   According  to GSMA's Mobile Internet
        transforming platform on Earth. There has   additionally involved the implementation   Connectivity  2019 report, there are
        never been a technology that has reached   of commercial products  within internet   presently over 3.5  billion mobile  internet
        mankind so quickly.  Today’s internet  is   technology.                  subscribers globally.
        the most important catalyst for economic
        and social  development  for generations   Role of Vendors in Broadband Access  Importance of Broadband Access
        to  come.  The ITU's  State  of  Broadband   Historically, commercial efforts  involved   Digital  technology  and  internet  access
        2019 report shows that global growth   vendors  providing  basic  networking  is  an essential part of everyone's  life. It
        in  household internet  connectivity  has   products  and service  providers offering   influences  commerce,  education,  health
        declined and only risen by 1.7% from 53.1%   connectivity  and  standard  internet  and public safety, cultural  awareness,
        in 2018 to 54.8% in 2019.            services. Within less than two decades   government  operations and  eliminates
                                             time, commercial  internet  has  gone  from   everyday  inconveniences,  making our life
        The internet is  the universal  platform   innovative to indispensible,  from fun  to   efficient.
        that  underpins all  our lives: from  access   fundamental.  The  internet  has changed
        to  employment opportunities, education,   significantly  since  it  came  into  existence   The  global  COVID-19
        healthcare,  agriculture,  financial  services,   two decades ago.  It was conceived in the   pandemic  has  made  us
        to entertainment  -  our communication   era of time sharing,  survived the era of
        is made possible  due  to enhanced   personal computers, client server and peer   aware  and  helped  us
        connectivity and internet services. We can   to peer computing and finally the network   understand  how  crucial
        truthfully state that modern high capacity   computer.
        broadband technology is the core system                                     broadband          technology
        of the digital economy. We ask ourselves   Most importantly, the Internet started   actually is.
        the question, how has broadband reached   as the  platform of a small group  of
        51% of the globe's population in such an   dedicated  researchers and has  become   The global COVID-19 pandemic has made
        unprecedented  short amount  of time?   the commercial success  worth billions   us aware and helped  us understand how
        Like many new technological innovations,   of dollars invested  annually by telecom   crucial broadband technology actually is.
        broadband's  launch  was   extremely  companies and internet vendors. According   Access  to the internet  has become  an
        expensive and initial usage  was  low.   to a  report by Mason Analysis, online   essential tool that  protects our health
                                             service providers are becoming fastly the   and secures a  wide range of human
           A  significant  and  growing      major  investors  in  digital  infrastructure,   rights, including social and economic,
           number  of  internet  usage       exceeding over 75 billion USD spent each   while everyday life functioning  has been
                                             year on  data  centers,  submarine cables
           is  attributed  to  mobile        and other facilities between 2014-2017.
           technology with many users                                            The internet empowers us, gives us
           now accessing the Internet        Role of Mobile in Broadband Access  access,  shares vital  information about
                                             The importance of mobile communication
                                                                                 the pandemic and the actions  taken to
           via mobile devices.  Mobile       in  terms  of  economic  and social   challenge  it.  It  provides answers on how
           access allowed  Google            importance  is unquestionable. Mobile   our governments  take action during
                                             networks have  played a  very  major  role
                                                                                 the  pandemic.  With roughly  1.5  billion
           to  utilize  mobile  tracking     in the rapidly evolving digital ecosystem   people, accounting for 20% of the world's
           data to create Community          enabling  progress for society in many   population,  practicing  social distancing
                                                                                 or living under quarantine  conditions,
                                             different dimensions.
           Mobile  Reports  to  assist                                           broadband  technology  assists us with
           public     health     officials   A  significant  and  growing  number  of   our  work, our shopping,  study and
           and      individuals      with    internet  usage  is attributed  to mobile   communication.
                                             technology with many users now accessing
           understanding  the  impact        the Internet via  mobile devices.    Mobile   Barriers to Broadband Access
           of  restrictive  measures  in     access  allowed Google  to utilize mobile   The Digital  Divide, or digital  split, is  a
                                                                                 social event which addresses information
                                             tracking data to create Community Mobile
           certain  regions  introduced      Reports  to  assist  public  health  officials   exchange  and  differences  between
           along  with  the  rise  of the    and individuals  with  understanding  the   those who have access to the Internet
           COVID-19 pandemic.                impact of restrictive measures in certain   (particularly broadband access) and those
                                                                                 without it.
                                             regions  introduced  along  with the rise of

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