Page 90 - SAMENA Trends - March 2020
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Nature shows us that ecosystems can
develop through collaboration and not
competition; when we share the same
goals, together is a wonderful place to be.
With this mindset, we have collaborated
with 400 corporate executives to launch the
Efficacy Index. With our research partner
WSJ Custom Studios, we created a unique
survey to help enterprises benchmark their
digital transformation. Are we mad enough
to put collaboration before competition?
Nature shows us that
ecosystems can develop and 6G technology. This technology is a I believe the future will be far more human
through collaboration real game-changer; it’s not only aimed at than we imagine. At its heart will be a
and not competition; the consumer but will also influence how beautiful convergence of physical and
digital experiences. Consumers will buy
enterprises will work. Are we mad enough
when we share the same to transform with technology? from those with a purpose with which
goals, together is a The blatant reality is if we don’t upskill they can empathize. As such, we will need
to be madly in love with the purpose we
wonderful place to be. or re-skill we will become irrelevant to stand for. Tech Mahindra stands for being
With this mindset, we have our own future. Upskilling will enable a sustainable enterprise that delivers
collaborated with 400 growth for enterprises, individuals and meaningful connected experiences and if
even countries. Our #UaaS (Upskilling as
this means disrupting the status quo, so
corporate executives to a Service) platform is helping more than be it. Are we mad enough to disrupt?
launch the Efficacy Index. 65,000 associates learn and leap into As technology continues to reshape
the future. Are we mad enough to make
With our research partner our organization, industry and country’s traditional responsibilities across
WSJ Custom Studios, workforce fit for the future? industries, the future will be powered by
we created a unique As technology continues human empathy and robotic efficiency.
The question is not about how dependent
survey to help enterprises to reshape traditional we are on technology; it is about how
benchmark their digital responsibilities across well we can use technology to create
new opportunities for humans to perform
transformation. industries, the future will tasks that are more valuable. We are
be powered by human creating a humans-first future. With
Our company is focused on 5G-led empathy and robotic artificial intelligence (AI), we are making
innovation to enable digital transformation machines develop the human trait of
for our customers globally. We are efficiency. The question is empathy because that's what makes us
enabling AT&T to modernize its IT network not about how dependent feel connected. Are we mad enough to
and shared systems and shift to the Cloud. humanize AI?
Our technology-led transformation will we are on technology; it is
help the telecom giant improve its agility about how well we can use The very essence of humanity is
in rolling out and supporting the networks encapsulated in the idea of individual
of the future. To make a 5G-enabled future technology to create new social responsibility (ISR). For us at Tech
a reality, we’ve also set up an innovation opportunities for humans Mahindra, ISR is also a way of life.
lab in Finland. Developed in partnership to perform tasks that are
with Business Finland, the facility will Are we mad enough to be changemakers?
foster research and development in 5G more valuable.
90 MARCH 2020