Page 108 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
P. 108
CADE Approves Winity-Vivo Network Sharing Deal
Brazil’s Administrative Council for Econom- cision, CADE stated that the tie-up ‘allows aforementioned locations. Previously, Win-
ic Defence (Conselho Administrativo de the expansion of coverage in areas with ity successfully bid on a national 2×10MHz
Defesa Economica, CADE) has approved low density and less economic interest.’ 700MHz license in Brazil’s November 2021
without restriction an industrial network The Winity Telecom, a holding company 5G spectrum auction, paying BRL1.428 bil-
exploitation contract (contrato de explora- backed by alternative asset management lion (USD276.8 million) – the highest bid
cao industrial de rede, EIR) between Win- firm Patria Investimentos, hopes to secure for a single spectrum lot in the auction. The
ity Telecom and Telefonica Brasil (Vivo) a RAN sharing agreement with Vivo to sup- newcomer plans to build 5,000 cell towers
for the use of the 700MHz band in 1,120 port its independent 700MHz rollout, while by 2029 and establish itself as Brazil’s first
municipalities. The decision was made Vivo expects to gain access to 2×5MHz of wholesale operator.
public on Tuesday 9 May. Publishing its de- Winity’s 2×10MHz spectrum holdings in the
Government to Divest DNB Stake Once Latter Achieves Network Rollout
Digital Nasional Berhad (DNB), the state- Hanafiah Mohd Yunus, the COO of local state’s plans for its shareholding in DNB
owned company currently tasked with regulator the Malaysian Communications comes just a few days after confirmation
rolling out 5G infrastructure in Malaysia, and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), said that the government will allow the
will be taken over by a private entity once that once DNB reaches 80% population deployment of a second 5G network from
it achieves a stated population coverage coverage a private entity will take over the next year, subject to DNB achieving its
target. Confirming these plans in an company and the government will withdraw rollout target.
interview on Bernama TV, Datuk Mohd Ali its holding An announcement regarding the
Dialog Axiata and Bharti Airtel Lanka to Merge
India’s Bharti Airtel announced yesterday (2
May) that it has entered into an agreement
with Malaysia-based Axiata Group to merge
their respective operations in Sri Lanka. The
proposed tie-up of Dialog Axiata and Bharti
Airtel Lanka will provide the latter with additional shares in Dialog upon conclusion execution of definitive agreements and
access to a larger user base in the island of the agreement. ‘Discussions about the the fulfilment of all necessary closing
nation, the parent said, adding that if the proposed transaction are ongoing between conditions, including applicable regulatory
transaction is approved Airtel will receive the parties as well as with the relevant and shareholder approvals,’ the agreement
‘an interest in Dialog equal to the fair value regulatory authorities in accordance with read. The company will issue further
of Airtel Lanka’. Furthermore, under the applicable laws and regulations. The announcements in due course on the basis
proposal Airtel will reportedly be issued with proposed transaction is subject to the of any material developments, it added.
EU Regulators Push Back Deadline on Orange-MASMOVIL Deal to 4
Antitrust regulators for the EU have extend- filing dated 28 April. On 3 April EU antitrust the plan noting: ‘The transaction would
ed the deadline for their final ruling on the regulators launched a full investigation into reduce the number of network operators
proposed EUR18.6 billion (USD20.5 billion) the planned tie-up amid concerns on how in Spain, thereby eliminating an innovative
merger of Spanish telcos Orange Espana it might adversely affect competition in the and significant rival. This could lead to
and Grupo MASMOVIL until 4 September local market. The EU’s competition watch- higher prices and lower quality of telecom
2023, according to a European Commission dog expressed significant concerns over services for customers.’
108 MAY-JUNE 2023