Page 71 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
P. 71
iGA Announces Launch of New Features on
The Chief Executive of the Information & personal information, view the notifications payment options including Apple Pay &
eGovernment Authority (iGA), Mohammed received from various government entities BenefitPay. A new feature will also be
Al Qaed, has announced new features to through the ‘Government Notifications added soon, which allows users to benefit
the national portal that will System’ including reminders of government from Unified Payment for all transactions.
reinforce its user experience. The new appointments, expiration of the official Al Qaed also announced the enhanced
features include the Personalized Page documents due for renewal and other “Ggovernment Services catalogue”, which
(Personalization), which can be accessed important notifications. As part of the consists of a comprehensive guide related
by eKey login. Through this feature, a user enhancement, the user will also be able to all government services information
may easily select his/ her eServices to be to view the history of his/ her transactions will be available, including its procedures,
in his/ her "Favorite eServices List". Within and receipts completed online over the requirements, etc., with the ability to classify
this page, a user may also update his/ her past 6 months and benefit from various them according to the service provider
or service category which may facilitate
the Search process. Al Qaed highlighted
that Payment transactions have been
simplified in by adding the save
payment method feature, which optionally
and securely saves the preferred payment
card to complete transactions easier and
faster, in addition, ApplePay and Benefit
Pay have been added to payment methods
to be in-line with recent trends and user
lifestyles. Enhancements have been made
on the technical infrastructure of bahrain.
bh, mainly on its capacity, responsiveness
and compatibility with all screens, mobile
phones and smart devices. “In light of the
expansion in the digital transformation,
iGA has always been keen to take user
experience as a priority in utilizing
e-Channels for the government services
and mainly the National portal to complete
all their transactions quickly, smoothly and
securely,” he added. He also said that iGA
is committed towards achieving excellence
in government services provided to citizens
and residents. He said: “iGA is always keen
to adopt innovative initiatives, ideas and
suggestions received by the public through
the National Suggestions and Complaint
System (Tawasul) and Tawasul App as well
as the social media. iGA also will continue
the next phases of the portal enhancement
to be announced during the current year,
ensuring meeting the aspirations of people
and the best practices of the United Nations
in the field of eGovernment.”
71 MAY-JUNE 2023