Page 78 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
P. 78
Huawei Concludes 6th Edition of ICT Competition in Kuwait
In partnership with The Kuwait Foundation
for the Advancement of Science (KFAS)
and in cooperation with the Communica-
tion and Information Technology Regula-
tory Authority (CITRA), Huawei concluded
its flagship annual Huawei ICT Competition
2022-2023 award ceremony in Kuwait. The
initiative aims at bolstering the overall ICT
ecosystem through stimulate local talent
who will be the future Kuwaiti generation
achieving the national development plans
and ambitious in line with Kuwait Vision
2035. This year’s competition was conclud- all economic growth. Collaborating with students’ future employment opportuni-
ed during a ceremony held at Huawei Head a global technology company reconfirms ties. The training courses and competition
office, senior executives from CITRA, KFAS, our commitment to empower our nation’s program this year focus on modern tech-
Huawei and universities. From October to youth and prepare a future generation for nologies such as artificial intelligence (AI),
December, hundreds of undergraduate stu- Kuwait’s digital transformation journey” cloud computing, data storage, big data,
dents have participated in the competition, Victor Liu Vice President of Huawei Carri- Security, Datacom, WLAN and enhancing
which is being held virtually. Winners of the er Business Group, Gulf North, said: “As we communication between talented youth in
regional competitions have received a cer- known, ICT is one of the most important the region. The competition is considered
tification, future learning opportunities, tro- sectors in today’s society, The ICT industry one of the auxiliary channels for the current
phy and an internship. Shaymaa Al-Turkait is leading the development of various new efforts made by governments, universities,
board member of CITRA said: “We are glad areas, such as AI, 5G and cloud, these inno- and educational institutions in the field of
to partner with Huawei on a prestigious vative technologies are bringing unlimited talent discovery and support to prepare
program such as the Huawei Middle East possibilities to our society”. The competi- future leaders who will be responsible for
ICT Competition. The ICT sector is currently tion further promotes creativity amongst leading the development process by relying
playing a significant part in strengthening students by acting as a bridge between the on technology.
Kuwait’s global competitiveness and over- classroom and the workforce, enhancing
Number of 3G and 4G Users Up in Pakistan
The number of 3G and 4G users in Paki- February to 42.916 million by end March. were received against various telecom op-
stan increased by 0.69 million from 124.16 Zong 3G subscribers decreased from 2.661 erators, including cellular mobile operators
million by end February to 124.85 million million by end February to 2.643 million (CMOs), Pakistan Telecommunications
by end March, the Pakistan Telecommuni- by end March, while the number of 4G us- Company Limited (PTCL), long-distance
cation Authority (PTA) data revealed. The ers increased from 32.096 million by end international (LDI) operators, wireless local
number of cellular subscribers in Pakistan February to 32.312 million by end March. loop (WLL) operators, and internet service
increased from 193.85 million by end Feb- Telenor 3G subscribers decreased from providers (ISPs), during March. Cellular mo-
ruary to 194.12 million by end March. The 2.980 million by end February to 2.939 mil- bile subscribers constitute a major part of
Monthly Next Generation Mobile Service lion while the number of 4G users of Tele- the overall telecom subscriber base. There-
(NGMS) penetration increased from 52.58 nor increased from 22.932 million by end fore, the maximum number of complaints
per cent by end February to 52.79 per cent February to 22.996 million by end March. belongs to this segment. The total num-
by end March. The broadband penetration Ufone 3G users stood at 2.811 million by ber of complaints against CMOs by March
increased from 53.92 per cent by end Feb- end March compared to 2.844 million by stood at 16,547, out of which, 16,460 (99.5
ruary to 54.13 per cent by end March. The end February. The number of 4G users of per cent) were addressed. According to the
cellular teledensity has declined from 82.1 Ufone increased from 11.925 million by end PTA data, 7,684 complaints were received
per cent by end February to 82.08 per cent February to 12.170 million by end March, against Jazz, out of which 7,673 (99.9 per
by end March. Total teledensity decreased registering a 0.245 million increase during cent) were resolved. Further, 3,081 com-
from 83.2 per cent by end February to 83.17 the period under review. PTA received plaints against Telenor were received, out
per cent by end March. Jazz’s total count 17,092 complaints from telecom consum- of which, 3,078 (99.9 per cent) were re-
for 3G users declined from 4.736 million by ers against different telecom operators and solved. Likewise, 3,964 complaints were
end February to 4.626 million by end March cellular operators in March 2023, out of received against Zong, out of which, 3,948
registering a decrease of 0.11 million. Jazz which 16,956 (99.2 per cent) were resolved. (99.6 per cent) were addressed. A total of
4G users jumped from 42.544 million by end Official data revealed that the complaints 1,810 complaints were received against
78 MAY-JUNE 2023