Page 99 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
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        5G gives CSPs almost endless opportuni-  Nexign offers products for 4G and 5G NSA   ing marketplaces. For example, CSPs can
        ties to launch new services, and providers   networks to help CSPs prioritize traffic for   partner with vendors, such as cloud service
        should become more flexible in improving   different applications, analyze network con-  and  IT  platform  providers,  digital  service
        their subscribers’ loyalty through personal-  gestion, and monitor QoS for partner traffic.   providers, media and gaming providers,
        ization. In particular, CSPs can manage the   For instance, Nexign PCRF helps prioritize   and  device  manufacturers.  Indeed,  CSPs
        quality of services provided to a subscriber   traffic for a specific device or application,   can succeed  only by establishing  nume-
        at the network segment level. In this case,   thus implementing the 5G idea of network   rous partnerships and considering different
        several network slices can be simultane-  slicing. Also, Nexign RCAF fulfills the func-  partnership models, including multiple set-
        ously connected  for different  services  on   tions of 5G network analytics and provides   tlement models, such as revenue sharing,
        a subscriber’s device. For instance, a CSP   a detailed analysis of network overload.  one-time fees, tiered plans for customers,
        can provide an ultra-low latency dedicated                               etc. Therefore, it is not surprising that ac-
        slice for monitoring the operation of equip-  Launching New Lines of Business: Focus   cording to TM Forum, CSPs prioritize solu-
        ment in production, a dedicated slice with   on Efficiency               tions for efficient monetization and partner
        a  guaranteed increased speed  for online   In the digital, everything happens quickly,   management. They help improve business
        broadcasting of a football match and free   as ideas are quickly born, tested, and imple-  efficacy by automating each step of work-
        traffic  sponsored  by  an  advertiser,  and  a   mented.  Despite  participating  in  this  rate   ing with partners.
        regular connection for the rest of the traffic.  race on an equal footing with digital-born
                                             companies,  CSPs should  think about  the   Along  with  BSS,  infrastructure  solutions
           One of the promising areas        most  efficient  and  cost-effective  way  to   can also  simplify  and  speed  up  partner
                                                                                 onboarding. For example, Nexign Micros-
                                             launch  new business  lines and services
           developing       side-by-side     while also escaping chaos in business pro-  ervices Framework helps drive partner eco-
           with  5G  is the  internet of     cesses and internal systems.        system growth and create new digital ser-
           things  (IoT).  IoT  has  great   One of the promising  areas developing   vices for customers and subscribers while
                                                                                 significantly reducing time to market.
           potential  for  CSPs,  as it      side-by-side with 5G is the internet of things
           helps  them play  diverse         (IoT). IoT has great potential for CSPs, as it   Conclusion
                                             helps them play diverse roles in the value
                                                                                 Regardless of whether a CSP decides to be
           roles  in the  value  chain.      chain. As such, they can act as IoT con-  a provider of comprehensive connectivity
           As such, they can  act  as        nectivity providers,  service enablers,  and   services based on 5G, a leading IoT enabler
                                                                                 in a certain vertical, or a digital ecosystem
                                             end-to-end service providers. For example,
           IoT connectivity  providers,      CSPs  are  vital  for the rapidly  expanding   provider,  we  give  them reliable software
           service  enablers,  and  end-     IoT ecosystem in MENA, where IoT appli-  to monetize any line of business and any
           to-end service providers.         cations  are often  focused  on  smart city   generation of mobile networks. We are also
                                                                                 ready to support our clients on their path
                                             solutions and aim to improve the quality of
                                             urban living and the environmental impact   of business transformation, as we have ex-
        Besides,  5G  technologies  open  even   of cities.                      tensive experience in implementing large-
        more  opportunities  in  the  B2B  segment.                              scale projects for Tier-1 CSPs.
        5G-based projects help digitalize airports,   IoT business should always be based on a
        seaports,  coal mines, and other busines-  platform that lets CSPs effectively manage   Nexign’s network core solutions ensure the
        ses. For instance, China is introducing auto-  subscribers  and products  and maximize   seamless operation  of  network  functions
        mated technology to enhance the efficiency   monetization  opportunities.  On  the  one   for all generations of communications (3G-
        and safety of its coal mining industry by im-  hand, the IoT business is complex and in-  5G SA). We help CSPs support and mone-
        plementing 5G technology to replace part   cludes  devices,  customers,  partners,  etc.   tize new generations of mobile networks
        of  underground  workers  with  machines.   On the other hand, its profitability remains   while also developing current LTE services.
        This  approach  helps  decrease  mining   low. Therefore, CSPs should build a single   For example, Nexign Revenue Management
        costs and the death rate among miners. In   system that increases the flexibility of IoT   lifts barriers for telcos’ efficient business
        general, 5G helps move away from the “one   management  while  remaining  cost-effi-  growth, ensuring operational flexibility not
        network fits all” idea and maximize the per-  cient.                     limited by vendor or technology, and gives
        sonalization and differentiation of network                              CSPs  opportunities for unlimited  revenue
        services based on each subscriber’s unique   Open Collaboration          growth. Besides, Nexign’s 5G products let
        needs. It also allows CSPs to use any tech-  In  the  digital,  monetizing  innovations  is   CSPs support  charging,  policy  manage-
        nical network’s parameter to monetize the   impossible without value co-creation with   ment, and signaling traffic routing for 5G SA
        service.                             partners.  Collaboration  can  have  various   networks, and Nexign IoT Connectivity Plat-
                                             formats, including  creating  bundles,  pro-  form helps  automate  core  business pro-
        Similarly, it is important to mention the pos-  viding  network capabilities  to third-party   cesses in the IoT and machine-to-machine
        sibility of realizing 5G ideas in 4G networks.   companies  and developers,  and  organiz-  (M2M) market.

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