Page 9 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2024
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intelligent world through advancements in 5G-Advanced (5G-
A), Cloud, and AI, emphasizing the role of digital technologies in
driving industry innovation towards sustainable development.
Bocar BA, CEO and Board Member of SAMENA Council,
emphasized on the importance of collaborative efforts among “Cooperation is essential, and we cannot afford fragmentation.
industry stakeholders and the role that the SAMENA Council Digital development hinges on consistent access to connectivity,
Leaders’ Summit plays in fostering integration and cooperation. network safety, service availability, and affordability. Some
countries are more advanced, and others should learn from them
“For over a decade, the SAMENA Council Leaders’ Summit to facilitate further investment and scale. This will enhance market
has positioned key issues and the Industry’s needs, private- enablement, providing the private sector with return on investment,
sector players, and leaders. The annual congregation of leaders and ensuring the sustainability of the digital economy. Investment,
brings together stakeholders from government, the private financing, and funding are essential, and this means unlocking
sector, academia, technology providers, global ICT and financial access to capital for development of human capital”, BA further
institutions, and big tech to discuss and redefine roles to promote added.
digital development”, BA stated.
9 MAY-JUNE 2024