Page 4 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2022
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        Innovation and Resources for the 5G Era

        The  Coming years  are  critical  in observing   important aspect to consider in this regard.
        and recalibrating approaches on how digital   There is consensus that spectrum is a major
        technology is deployed, and how its positive   stepping  stone  for building  a  sustainable
        role  in  post-pandemic  recovery  processes   Digital  Economy. As a national  asset  and
        can be enhanced, while we tread ahead to   scarce national resource, however, spectrum
        meet the objectives set forth under the 17   needs to be managed to optimize returns to
        Sustainable  Development  Goals  despite   the government while generating equal, if not
        numerous  digital  challenges  and  risks   more, value to the overall national economy.
        lurking all around us.                Given the prevailing data trends, an additional
                                              1000  to 2000  MHz  of mid-band spectrum
        2022  onwards,  our collective  actions  and   would, therefore, be needed to fulfill the data
        ambitions  should  indeed  be  synchronized,   traffic  demand  and  meet  this  fundamental
        as  we  endeavor to operate  and  develop   technical requirement. In SAMENA Council’s
        sustainably  in  the  new  5G  digital  era.   views, fulfilling the spectrum resource gap in
        Fulfilling  the  17  SDGs  or  achieving  the  15   the future would require significant amount
        aspirational  targets  recently  developed   of licensed  spectrum in  both  3800-4200   Bocar A. BA
                                                                                      Chief Executive Officer
        as  part  of the  work  of the  UN Secretary-  MHz as well as 6 GHz bands. Coincidentally,   & Board Member
        General’s  Roadmap for  Digital  Cooperation   this  resource gap has  a direct correlation   SAMENA Telecommunications
        Roundtable  Group on  Global  Connectivity,   with efforts being exerted to fill digital gaps,   Council
        will  depend  on  commitment  from all  of us   and  to  fulfill  the  United  Nations  Connect
        to collaborate,  partner, and  take  decisive   2030 Agenda.
        steps to ensure benefits of connectivity are
        brought to all corners of the society, and that   National  and  municipal  challenges  can   To move  forward  in  a  sustainable
        an  enabling  environment  is  guaranteed  for   be overcome  by effectively  utilizing  mid-  manner, such  spectrum resources
        the Private Sector to grow and thrive.  band  frequencies  of the  6  GHz/sub-6GHz   could prove to be critical for Operators.
                                              spectrum. Moreover, from a 5G sustainable   Sustainability  and  inclusiveness  are
        With  the  Industry  and  the  Member  States   infrastructure development point of view, 6   the  key  principles  for any  ecosystem.
        are  quickly moving  toward adopting  G5   GHz  is  an  important  band  for  mobile  fixed   It is truly through collaboration and by
        regulatory benchmarks and performance   links and for backhauling; a necessity for the   fostering  inclusion  and  participation,
        criteria,  policy  and  regulatory  approaches   timely proliferation of 5G connectivity. In fact,   and by meeting resource requirements
        necessarily  need  to more effectively   6GHz can be the ideal band for balancing the   of the  private  sector, that  we  can
        address  the  requirements  of the  private   capacity and  coverage  necessary to meet   sustain  digital  momentum.  To  close
        sector, in  particular of  Telecom Operators,   future  wide-area  deployment  requirements   the  gap between  connectivity  and
        to enable them to achieve reasonable scale.   cost-effectively.  This  mid-band  set  of   digital economy, we need to tackle the
        This is very important in the context of the   frequencies  has the  potential to deliver   financial  resource  gaps  for  building
        implementation of new connectivity streams,   optimal ROI and a smaller carbon footprint   digital  infrastructure  and  address  the
        including through 5G and IoT, to ensure that   due to inherent less  power  consumption.   spectrum resource  gaps  for achieving
        the  full  potential  of new technologies  and   This has direct bearing on the future of 5G   true, meaningful  connectedness  that
        networks and  their  many use-cases  can   and  unearthing  its  true  potential,  of which   transcends simple internet access and
        materialize and contributed to achieving the   only one third lies in simply providing mobile   multimedia content.
        SDGs. Spectrum  resources are a critically   broadband.

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