Page 96 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2022
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JCRA Publishes Key Findings and Recommendations from Retail Pricing
The Jersey Competition Regulatory telecoms services in Jersey is below service considerations, wider than just
Authority (JCRA) has published its key average when compared to other similar- pricing, in its future work, specifically
findings and recommendations resulting sized jurisdictions; and that Jersey is more saying one key focus will be on consumer
from a market study into retail prices for expensive than the UK for mobile voice protection as it relates to contractual
broadband, fixed line and mobile phone and data services, and selected ‘bundled’ terms and compensation. Finally, the JCRA
services in Jersey. Having announced the packages but generally less expensive for confirmed that it will work with Teligen,
start of the study back in November 2021, high speed fixed broadband. With regards a division of Strategy Analytics – which
when it set out its aim to assess how to the recommendations made by the JCRA supported the Authority’s work on the
prices in the Bailiwick’s telecoms markets in light of its study, meanwhile, in future retail price study – to track prices on an
compare internationally with other similar work programmes the regulator said it will annual basis, with a full report update to be
jurisdictions, including Guernsey and the take further steps to address problems carried out after an ‘appropriate period’ has
Isle of Man, the JCRA has concluded: that consumers may face in switching between passed.
consumers benefit from a competitive service providers. Further, the watchdog
market; that the price people pay for said it will also take into account other
MTN and Vodafone Ghana Sign National Roaming Agreement
implementation of national roaming more complex technical configurations for
will enable Vodafone Ghana customers nationwide roaming on either network.’ The
to stay connected in areas outside our agreement is part of a wider plan by the
current locations of coverage. This is Ghanaian government to facilitate universal
especially important for rural communities access and accelerate the country’s
as national roaming invariably provides digital transformation by implementing
a greater choice of network providers.’ a full national roaming regime among all
MTN Ghana CEO Selorm Adadevoh added: operators in the country. As previously
MTN Ghana and Vodafone Ghana have ‘MTN fully supports the government’s reported by CommsUpdate, Glo – the
announced a strategic partnership to pilot national roaming plans. We acknowledge country’s smallest mobile network operator
national roaming services in the Volta that national roaming will extend network by subscriptions – entered a nationwide
Region as a first step towards a broader coverage for Ghanaians nationwide roaming agreement with rival AirtelTigo
nationwide agreement. The deal will see and support the growth of the Ghana last week in a bid to provide wider coverage
Vodafone expand its mobile network telecommunications industry … Over the and a faster internet experience for its
coverage by leveraging MTN’s infrastructure coming months, the outcome of the pilot customers.
in this pilot phase. In a statement, Vodafone will be instrumental in the development of
Ghana CEO Patricia Obo-Nai said: ‘The the next phase of the partnership to cover
Glo Enters National Roaming Agreement with AirtelTigo
Ghanaian mobile network operator (MNO) agreement, which saw all Glo subscrip- issues since entering the Ghanaian mobile
Glo has entered into a nationwide roaming tions automatically connected to the Airtel- market in 2012, Glo has failed to mount any
arrangement with AirtelTigo for voice, data Tigo network from 23 April. This means significant challenge to rival MNOs MTN
and SMS services in a bid to provide wider customers will continue to recharge with Ghana, Vodafone Ghana and AirtelTigo,
coverage and a faster internet experience Glo’s scratch cards or electronic credit claiming 847,057 subscriptions and only a
for its customers. A joint statement issued transfers and enjoy all existing Glo prod- 2.1% share of the market at end-December
by the two companies assured customers ucts including Value Added Services. 2021.
that all other conditions of service remain Having struggled with quality of service
unchanged on the Glo network under the (QoS), operational performance and debt
96 MAY-JUNE 2022