Page 110 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
P. 110
The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) has Chief Executive, Operations and Governance, Shaikh Salman
launched the Cyber Safety Award, which aims to encourage bin Mohammed Al Khalifa said that a team of technicians, fully
community and educational institutions in the Kingdom of equipped with monitoring devices, was present at BIC to offer the
Bahrain to create awareness in the field of cyber safety. The required radiocommunication technical support for the sports
award is launched in an event held in TRA’s headquarters and event. The iGA also posted a mobile monitoring station at the track
is attended by representatives from various schools in Bahrain. ahead of and during the race. A total of 195 frequencies across
During the event, TRA discussed the results of the study it terrestrial and satellite wireless systems were dedicated to the
recently conducted under the SafeSurf initiative in cooperation event. Two complaints of harmful interference in communication
with Dr. Nancy Willard, an expert on cyberbullying challenges and networks were received, monitored, and terminated in record time.
threats. It was found that youths using the Internet for more than Shaikh Salman added that the directorate stands ready to provide
three hours a day leads to the possible emergence of negative the required technical support for international events, reflecting
or dangerous behaviors and exposure to cyber bullying, causing the Kingdom’s ability to professionally oversee and organize high
them psychological disorder and behavioral changes such as profile events. iGA Wireless Licensing, Frequency and Monitoring
depression and a sense of helplessness as well as absence from Director Engineer Hassan Mohamed Hassan said that the
school and physical violence in some . “The Cyber Safety Award Kingdom is one of the most prominent hosts of international car
is presented by SafeSurf to allow young people and adults in the racing events due to the capabilities of its radiocommunication
Kingdom of Bahrain to create innovative awareness content in operators and their experience, which stretches back to when
the field of cyber safety.” Says TRA’s Director of Consumer Affairs races were first held at BIC in 2004, which qualifies them to meet
and Media Sh. Abdullah bin Humood Al Khalifa. “We launched the demands of this race and solve any problem that might arise.
this award to enact TRA’s responsibility to spread awareness The Wireless Licensing, Frequency and Monitoring Directorate
among the community, shedding light on the varied risks of the manages the radiocommunication systems of several events,
Internet such as cyber bullying, fraud and identity theft and many most notably the Formula 1 and WEC races, and the Bahrain Air
others that impacts the social, psychological and educational Show. (December 21, 2019)
aspect of life.” “TRA has the responsibility to promote awareness
among the community and help individuals recognize and avoid As Bahrain prepares for the imminent rollout of 5G, The
the dangers of the Internet, especially those resulting from the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), in collaboration
use of social media, in addition to giving solutions to overcome with Ericsson, the GSMA and Huawei held a workshop for service
and resist them.” Sh. Abdulla added. The Cyber Safety Award providers, government agencies and business leaders in the
aims to encourage students to achieve a safe cyber culture Kingdom to explore the potential of 5G. “We took a big leap this year
in order to raise more awareness about its impact on daily life, by helping establish BNET as a wholesale entity for the Kingdom’s
as well as to open the creative field for the promising talents of telecom infrastructure.” Says Sh. Nasser Bin Mohamed Al Khalifa,
the Bahraini young generation and involve them in spreading Acting General Director of TRA. “This move levels the playing field
awareness among the community. TRA invites those interested and sets a gold standard that consumers can expect from all
in participating in The Award to create a short film (no more than operators. We’ve laid the groundwork, so that network speed and
120 seconds) highlighting the impact of excessive use of social quality becomes a ubiquitous feature across all licensed service
media on young people and their social life. More information on providers, so that the dynamic for competition shifts focus from a
the award can be found on basis of infrastructure to one based on innovative services. If fiber
(December 22, 2019) optics is the backbone of industry 4.0, then 5G is a catalyst that
will allow the full potential of IoT to materialize.” Adds Sh. Nasser.
The Information and eGovernment Authority’s (iGA) Wireless 5G is no simple generational leap forward in mobile technology,
Licensing, Frequency and Monitoring Directorate has provided and the purpose of this workshop is to explore its possibilities
and managed 195 radio frequencies within various bands as part and guide everyone towards taking it on. “In addition to
of its annual support to the FIA World Endurance Championship supporting the TRA in establishing a comprehensive 5G strategy
(WEC) BAPCO 8 Hours of Bahrain race, held on 13th and 14th in Bahrain, we have announced partnerships with leading service
December at Bahrain International Circuit (BIC). iGA Deputy providers such as Batelco and Zain to accelerate 5G deployment
110 NOVEMBER 2019