Page 77 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2022
P. 77


        Telekom Tests 5G in 6GHz Band

        German   telecoms  operator  Telekom  Bonn was equipped with a 6GHz antenna,
        Deutschland has tested 5G using frequen-  and a special computer was configured as
        cies in the 6GHz band in Bonn under real   the end device. The tests achieved speeds
        conditions.  ‘In  order to meet  our custom-  of more than 1Gbps and if the frequencies
        ers’  increasing  demand for  more band-  are combined with the 3.5GHz band, then
        width with 5G, we will need more frequen-  a transmission rate of more than 2Gbps is
        cies  in  the  future.  The  tests  have shown   possible. Telekom notes that the future use
        that  the  6GHz  frequencies  are  very well   of mobile radio frequencies depends on the
        suited for this,’ said Walter Goldenits, Head   regulatory framework set at the World Ra-
        of  Technology at  Telekom  Germany. For   dio Conference in November 2023; if this is
        the  test,  a  mobile  communications site   approved, then the frequencies could then
        on  the  roof of  Telekom’s  headquarters  in   be used in 2025 at the earliest.

        Portugal Sees 5G Expand with the First Commercial Use of Huawei Hertz
        Platform Antennas

                                             forming, as  well  as  signal  direct  injection   mid-band  8T8R,  ensuring  both  coverage
                                             feeding (SDIF). It is the first of its kind in   and user experience, is the next-generation
                                             the industry to natively support FDD 8T8R   key technology for 5G mid-band evolution.
                                             antennas and can greatly improve antenna   It has been used in more than 80 countries
                                             energy efficiency and help operators build   around the world for 5G basic network con-
                                             an excellent 5G network that are also quite   struction. Hertz  platform antennas  sup-
                                             energy-efficient.  Results  show  that  Hertz   port FDD 8T8R and multi-band integration
                                             platform-based FDD 8T8R antennas deliver   of more than  12  ports,  and  this  makes  it
                                             4.9 dB higher downlink coverage than FDD   easier for operators to provide continuous
                                             4T4R. In addition, the uplink and downlink   cross-generation  experience  while  ensur-
                                             throughput are improved by 80% and 30%   ing  fast  deployment.  Eric Zhao,  President
                                             and the uplink and downlink cell-edge rates   of Huawei Antenna Business Unit, empha-
                                             40% and 60%. This shows that the spectral   sized, "Huawei antennas are committed to
        FDD  8T8R  antennas  based  on  Huawei   efficiency of FDD mid-band spectrum and   providing ultimate 5G solutions for opera-
        Hertz  platform  have reached a new mile-  user  experience  can  be  greatly  improved.   tors to simplify deployment and maximize
        stone with their first-ever commercial adop-  Since the commercial rollout of 5G, Portu-  energy and spectral efficiencies. Hertz plat-
        tion  in  Portugal. The  Hertz  platform uses   gal has witnessed a fast growth in 5G user   form  antennas,  as  the  industry's  first  an-
        innovative technologies such as ultra-preci-  base, which in turn requires continuous 5G   tennas to support FDD 8T8R, will assuredly
        sion arrays (UPA) to support precise beam-  coverage and better user experience. FDD   boost 5G network development."

        Samsung Claims FWA Records on mmWave

        Samsung Electronics claimed to have   and 61.5Mb/s up. Peak downlink data rate   and demonstrate  how  we are pushing
        demonstrated  the  ability  for  mmWave   clocked  in  at  2.7Gb/s.  Samsung used  its   the  boundaries  of innovation  in  support
        5G  to address  connectivity  gaps  after   28MHz customer premise equipment in the   of  the  digital  capabilities  in  Australia”.
        achieving record data rates over a distance   trials,  which  combines  a  baseband,  radio   He added the operator will be among the
        of 10km  in  trials  with  Australian  operator   and  antenna,  and  is  compatible with  all   first  in  the  world  to  deploy  mmWave  “at
        NBN  Co.  The  tests  on  NBN  Co’s  fixed   mmWave frequencies. As the longest FWA   this  scale”.  Lee  June-hee,  head  of R&D
        wireless  access  (FWA)  network  used   connection recorded  by Samsung using   for  Samsung’s  Networks Business,  stated
        eight  component  carriers to  aggregate   the  28GHz  band,  the  company said  the   the  tests  proved “the  massive potential
        800MHz  of mmWave  spectrum along    trials showcase the potential of using the   of mmWave technology and  its  ability  to
        with  beamforming  technology. Samsung   spectrum for wider rural coverage. NBN Co   deliver enhanced connectivity and capacity
        stated  the  companies  achieved  average   CTO Ray Owen explained in a joint release   for addressing the last mile challenges in
        data  rates  of 1.75Gb/s  in  the  downlink   the  results  are  “a  significant  milestone   rural areas”.
                                                                                           77  NOVEMBER- DECEMBER 2022
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