Page 19 - SAMENA Trends - November 2020
P. 19


          Key Insights from SAMENA Accelerator on Fiber

          •  Fiber-optic  networks  will  continue  to
            prove  their  usefulness  and  reliability  for
            increasingly  sophisticated  technologies  in
            the  communications  space.  Data  integrity,
            reliable long-distance  transmission, and
            higher  bandwidths  are  the  hallmarks  of  fiber
          •  We have no option but to invest in Fiber; if we
            don't  have  Fiber,  we  cannot  really  be  digital.
            Fiber is a lifeline to digitization.
          •  While  investing  in  Fiber,  the  ultimate  goal
            should  be  to  strategize  first  as  to  the  viable
            use  of  the  Fiber;  countries  with  lack  of  Fiber
            strategy  will  not  be  able  to  drive  intended
            benefits from Fiber availability.
          •  The   Industry   requires   expedient   Fiber
            deployment  policies  solutions  to  issues  that
            impede  deployment,  ranging  ROW  difficulties,
            deciding  on best deployment scenarios,
            overcoming  cost,  time,  and  ROI  issues,  and
            policy/regulatory  incentives.  Many  issues,
            such  as  economic,  execution,  and  technical
            problems  in  the  deployment  of  Fiber,  can
            be  tackled  by  building  trust  between  the
            government entities and the Operators.
          •  In hard-to-cover areas or complex geographies,
            infrastructure-sharing should be facilitated and
            promoted by policy within the Telecom Industry.
            Also, policymakers and regulators from other
            sectors/industries should collaborate on make
            existing infrastructure such as electricity poles,
            waterways, and waste water systems, gas and
            district heating lines, roads and railways, etc.,
            available to Fiber investors for mutual use in
            the long run.
          •  It  is  imperative  that  clear  government
            directives  are  issues  by  governments  to
            enable the deployment of Fiber, which should
            be  supported  fully  by  alignment  of  rhetoric
            with actions, and the Private Sector should be
            provided with security of investments.
          •  Possible  incentivization  measures  could
            include reduced taxation or tax-free operations
            for certain durations, reduced licensing fees for
            hard to reach  areas, no taxes for rural areas,
            guarantees from governments in infrastructure
            security in certain areas, among others.
          •  To  reduce  fiberization  costs,  or  to  reduce
            splicing difficulties, new technologies such as
            Huawei AirPon are available, which should be
            considered  by  both  government  and  private-
            sector  decision-makers  in  their  plans  to
            accelerate deployment of Fiber.

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