Page 32 - SAMENA Trends - November 2020
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Devoteam Achieved Revenue Of €174.8 Million
in the 3rd Quarter Of 2020 Decreasing 4.5%
Devoteam reported revenue of €174.8 point partly balancing the negative currency in activities in the Netherlands and the
million for the third quarter of 2020, effect of 0.5 point (mainly Norwegian United Kingdom partially balanced by good
decreasing 4% of which 4.5% organically krone). The changes in perimeter had a performances in Belgium and Sweden.
compared to the third quarter of 2019. The marginal impact of 0.7 point on the growth The Central Europe region decreased
currency impact was unfavorable for 0.8 of the Group revenue. 1 Analysis of Q3 by 20.9%, impacted by the significant
point of growth in the quarter. The working 2020 revenue by region France was down reduction of the utilization rate in Germany,
day impact over the quarter was favorable 7% over the third quarter with a utilization principally in the automotive sector. The
representing around 0.3 point of growth. rate decreasing by 5 points compared to Iberia & Latam region increased by 7.3%
At constant scope and exchange rates, last year and an increase in the vacation organically, driven by the Portuguese and
consolidated revenues for the first nine rate impacting the revenue negatively. The Spanish businesses. The Rest of the World
months of the year increased by 1%. The Northern Europe region posted an organic region grew 10.5% organically, primarily in
working day impact was favorable for 0.8 decline of 1.5%, reflecting a sharp drop Morocco.
Eutelsat Announces the Appointment of Pascal
Homsy as Chief Technical Officer
Eutelsat Communications (Euronext Networks, Broadband Wireless and Mobile from Telecom Paris Tech. Commenting on
Paris: ETL) announces the appointment of Networks. In addition, he brings end- the appointment, Rodolphe Belmer said: “I
Pascal Homsy as Chief Technical Officer. to-end knowledge of our value chain, am confident that Pascal’s extensive skill-
Pascal joins Eutelsat from Thales Alenia having served in several Global Account set will be a great asset to Eutelsat as we
Space where he was head of the Space Management and Sales Support roles at pursue the transformation of our group
Telecommunications Business Line. He Alcatel, where he was notably in charge of to capture the Connectivity opportunity”.
brings with him some 30 years’ experience the relationship with Orange. Pascal also Pascal will join Eutelsat in January and
of senior management positions within has considerable international experience, will sit on the Executive Committee. He
major international groups, notably the having spent the early part of his career in replaces Yohann Leroy who has decided
telecoms conglomerate, Alcatel/Lucent/ charge of Alcatel’s activities in numerous to continue his professional career outside
Nokia and the IT Services leader, Atos. APAC markets, and subsequently holding the Group. I take this opportunity to warmly
A seasoned Chief Technical Officer, responsibility for EMEA in various thank Yohann for his key contribution to
Pascal has headed teams specialized in technology and commercial roles. A French Eutelsat’s development and to wish him
IP Platforms, Voice and Services, Fixed national, Pascal holds a Master of Sciences well in his future endeavors.
First-Quarter 2020-21 Revenues - Eutelsat
Eutelsat Communications reports revenues for the First Quarter with expectations and a backlog of €4.4bn, up 3% year-on-year.
ended 30 September 2020. Rodolphe Belmer, Chief Executive Highlights of the First Quarter include the renewal of the Sky
Officer of Eutelsat Communications, said: “Eutelsat has made a Italia contract at HOTBIRD, confirming the ongoing relevance
solid start to the year, with Operating Verticals revenues in line of satellite in Western Europe, and significant steps in our Fixed
Broadband strategy with the acquisition of Bigblu Broadband
Europe ahead of the imminent entry into service of EUTELSAT
KONNECT. This performance demonstrates the general resilience
of our business to the current environment. Although the rate of
new business in certain verticals, in particular in Broadcast, is
slower than usual against the general operating backdrop, we
have nevertheless produced a solid commercial outturn securing
several new contracts and renewals on favorable terms. Based
on this performance we confirm our financial objectives for the
current year and subsequent year.”
32 NOVEMBER 2020