Page 41 - SAMENA Trends - November 2020
P. 41


                                                REGIONAL NEWS

        UAE Government Charts Path for Infrastructure, Digital Transformation
        and Environmental Sustainability for Next 50 Years

        Over  600  ministers,  senior  federal  and
        local  government  officials,  secretaries-
        general  of  Executive  Councils  and  a
        group  of  experts  and  specialists  held
        in-depth  consultations  for  four  days
        to  discuss  the  path  for  infrastructure,
        digital  transformation  and  environmental
        sustainability.  The  meetings  were  in
        implementation  of  directives  given  by
        His  Highness  Sheikh  Mohammed  bin
        Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime
        Minister and Ruler of Dubai, to strengthen
        government  integration  to  chart  the
        future  of  the  UAE  and  lay  down  axes
        and  components  of  the  comprehensive
        development  plan  for  the  next  50  years.
        They  were  also  held  within  the  efforts
        of   the   50-year   Development   Plan
        Committee,  under  the  chairmanship  of
        H.H. Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan,
        Deputy  Prime  Minister  and  Minister  of
        Presidential  Affairs,  to  develop  plans  in
        five vital sectors – infrastructure, housing,
        environment,  water  and  food  security,
        and  digital  infrastructure  and  artificial
        intelligence,  AI.  Participants  discussed
        the main proposals and recommendations
        for developmental initiatives that improve
        government work, develop the community
        and leverage the economy during the next
        development journey. The meetings came
        out with 45 detailed ideas which will be put   entities,  and  providing  accurate  data   their position at the global level. They also
        to public discussions to engage members   with high speed and quality. The meeting   explored  mechanisms  and  solutions  for
        of the community in the designing process   touched  on  the  challenges  facing  the   investment in modern agricultural projects
        of  the  next  50-year  plan.  Participants   housing  sector,  and  the  need  to  develop   and support for the agricultural scientific
        stressed  the  importance  of  designing  a   innovative  designs  that  contribute  to   research  system  in  partnership  with  the
        new  vision  for  cities,  transportation  and   providing land and meet future aspirations,   private  sector.  Participants  in  the  digital
        urban  expansion,  and  the  transformation   relying on best  international  practices   infrastructure and AI track touched on the
        to smart cities capable of accommodating   in  implementing  housing  projects  and   importance  of  developing  and  adopting
        the large increase in population numbers,   strengthening partnership and integration   future technology, actively participating in
        in addition to developing new technologies   with  leading  institutions  in  the  private   the fourth industrial revolution, raising the
        in  building  and  construction  by  finding   sector  in  securing  various  needs.  In   quality  of  Internet  services  in  a  way  that
        innovative solutions to various challenges,   the  food  security  track,  the  participants   contributes  to  reducing  their  costs,  and
        identifying  opportunities,  and  developing   discussed  ways  to unify public  policies   attracting investments and innovations.
        comprehensive  new  policies  that  achieve   at  the  level  of  government  agencies,  to
        integration  in  the  work  of  government   support  national  products  and  entrench

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